카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
질문있습니다..3%saline에 대해서 2003.11.05해당카페글 미리보기
3%saline 에 대해서 알고 싶습니다.. 왜 꼭 3% 인지 말입니다.. 10%나 2%도 아니고 3%라는 이유를 말입니다.. 아님 자료를 어디서 구해야할지,, 망막합니다.. 좀 알려주십시오..
Re: In situ eNOS/NO up-regulation—a simple and effective 치료전략 2016 nature 2025.01.26해당카페글 미리보기
The sections were gradually immersed in H2O2 (3%, v/v) and citrate buffer solution (10 mM, pH 6.0), heated in a...washed with PBS (10 mM, pH 7.2) and blocked with BSA in Tris-buffered saline (5%, w/v). The excess liquid was drained and...
Seawater 2023.04.14해당카페글 미리보기
Water salinitySalinity levelsBodies of water Part of a series on Fresh water (< 0.05%) Brackish water (0.05–3%) Saline water (3–5%) Brine (> 5% up to 26%–28% max) Seawater Salt lake Hypersaline lake Salt pan Brine pool Bodies by...
최신 전침 탐구 2023년 논문.. 엔돌핀 + CGRP, 면역세포 조절 항염증, 항통각 효 2024.11.28해당카페글 미리보기
0.9% saline and 250 mL of 4% paraformaldehyde solution while under deep anesthesia with 1% sodium pentobarbital solution (10 mL/kg). After perfusion fixation, tissues from the left femoral head to the ankle joint were harvested and...
Re: 말초신경의 재생 한약 탐구 2021년... 2024.11.22해당카페글 미리보기
mL saline Intraperitoneal injection Promoted functional and histological recovery after rat sciatic nerve crush (increased SFI, CMAP, MNCV, myelin thickness, lamellae number, CSA of gastrocnemius muscle fibers) Modulation of mRNA...
Re: 타우린 결핍 --> 담즙산 대사 손상 --> 미토콘드리아 기능장애!!! 2024.08.17해당카페글 미리보기
20%, 3%, and 1%, respectively, in the Control group (Fig. 3D). In the Depletion group, the primary bile acids CA and CDCA were increased to approximately 90% and 6%, respectively. However, the percentage of the secondary BAs were...
중금속 해독... 킬레이션 탐구 중... 2024.08.23해당카페글 미리보기
or saline (iv infusion) [12]. CaNa2EDTA is distributed mainly in the extracellular fluids, which limits its capacity to chelate out metals from inside the cells. The latter also contributes to one of its major drawbacks that of...
물 [Water] 이란? 2024.04.30해당카페글 미리보기
only 3% of the land area. However, in the Arctic Circle, evaporation is low, drainage conditions are poor due to permafrost, and there are areas with a freshwater area rate of more than 30%. As shown in Table 1, the amount of surface...
Barefoot 21일자 칼슘과 미생물 (19장) 2023.12.17해당카페글 미리보기
2~3%에 불과한 반면, 소위 "훌륭한" 보충제는 약 15%에 불과합니다. 매일 100,000mg 이상의 칼슘을 섭취하는 Hunzas와 같은 배양균은 분명히 800mg을 흡수하고 나머지는 소변과 배설물을 통해 무해하게 전달합니다. 오키나와인들은 1990년대 스웨덴 과학자...
gtt 계산법(네이버 lfid0215 님 블로그에서 펌) 2005.10.11해당카페글 미리보기
kg) (g/L) (mEq/L) ------------------------------------------------------- 5% D/S 560 50 154 154 0.9% Saline 308 154 154 3% Saline 1026 513 513 5% Saline 1712 856 856 Ringer’s S 294 147 147 5 5 Ringer’s L 272 130 109 4 3 28 ( Hartman’s...