카페검색 본문
카페이름 본문
Good enough Environment
적어도 5년이상을 한솥밥먹던 친구들이 모여 사는이야기를 나눕니다
cafe.daum.net/Guseconme 랭킹: 12 단계 회원수: 4 개설일: 2010.06.01
카페글 본문
can't get enough of ~(~가 질리지 않아) 2024.11.18해당카페글 미리보기
can't get enough of ~ (~가 질리지 않아) https://blog.naver.com/jydecor/223548990830 can't get enough of ~(~가 질리지 않아) can't get enough of ~ (~가 질리지 않아) https://blog.naver.com/jydecor/223548990830 ✿ can'... blog.naver.com
I have had enough. I quit. (난 이제 진저리가 나요. 그만 둘래요.) 2024.11.22해당카페글 미리보기
I have had enough. I quit. 난 이제 진저리가 나요. 그만 둘래요. https://blog.naver.com/jydecor/223550304563 I have had enough. I quit. (난 이제 진저리가 나요. 그만 둘래요.) I have had enough. I quit. 난 이제 진저리가 나요. 그만 둘래요...
Existing Is Enough 2024.11.15해당카페글 미리보기
but we can't seem to learn it. The simplicity is daunting, the gentleness difficult for a human to grasp. The understanding that just being is our purpose. The realization that existing is enough - L.E. Bowman ♥ 🎶 Elevate by Nao
10.30.24 | What We Have Is Enough │ Mark 6:37–41 | Pastor Jim Cymbala 2024.10.30해당카페글 미리보기
10.30.24 | What We Have Is Enough │ Mark 6:37–41 | Pastor Jim Cymbala [The account of five loaves and two fish /feeding five thousand people] is so special. That bread and fish was enough to feed everyone —and it came about /because...
astronaut's fieldnotes #154 The grass is actually green enough 2024.11.12해당카페글 미리보기
I truly feel like the fraternal love I carry would exist anyway. Kev, now I can see that my grass is actually green enough. I am happy and well, and wishing the same for you always. Thank you so much for everything you helped me achieve...
테이블글 본문
걍 웃자고 한거이거늘...that's enough 2024.08.17
물고 늘어지나..ㅜㅠ 나도 벤탄쿠르네 사람들이 똑같이 보여.. 우르과이 브라질 아르헨티나의...다 똑같아..나한테는 That's enough...악의로 한것도 아니고 웃자고 농담한것을....enough is enough 벤탄쿠르 손흥민 인종차별은 무시, '웃음가스' 비수마엔...
2) Fair enough. 2023.11.03
좋아. (상대방의 생각이나 제안이 괜찮다고 생각할 때 사용) 출처 : 인스타그램 티치톡영어 https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyHZWQgywuJ/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
한 줄 수다 2024.11.27
복역 중이 아니라면, 충분한 시간이란 없다. There is never enough time, unless you're serving it. - 말콤 포브스 -
All time Favoriten BananaBread ♡ 2024.04.09
or in a muffin tin (if necessary, adjust the baking times slightly) and enjoy it as a cake. If the dough is not sweet enough, you can e.g. B. help with honey or syrup. After the bread has cooled down, you can also use it as desired, e.g...
german potato pancakes 2024.04.09
potatoes on a large grater and season with plenty of salt and a little pepper. Add eggs and diced onions. Dust with enough flour to cover the potato mixture (can be more or less than 8 tablespoons). Mix everything together thoroughly...