카페검색 본문
테이블글 본문
AI and the Crisis of Trust in Photojournalism 2025.02.15
must evolve while staying true to its core mission: truth. Transparency, regulations, and responsible AI use are the only ways to safeguard credibility. 📖 Read more: https://www.qwanjk.com/2025/02/ai-vs-reality-battle-for-truth-in.html...
[25.03.08.] < THE이재훈_31년 > 단독 콘서트 대구공연 티켓오픈 안내 2025.01.15
< THE이재훈_31년 > 단독 콘서트 대구공연 티켓오픈 안내 - 인터파크, 티켓링크 티켓오픈일 : 2025년 1월 20일(월) 오후 2시...10매까지 예매 가능) 공연내용 since 1994 no.1 best 1 only 1 이재훈 31년간 우리의 귀를 호강시켜줬던 대체 불가능한...
Discover AeNews - The Ad-Free News Website That Puts Readers First 2023.12.20
Are you tired of clicking on news articles only to be bombarded by intrusive ads and videos? Do you find yourself struggling to actually read the news content on many popular websites because of all the clutter surrounding the text? If...
All The Things She Said - t.A.T.u (2002/09/17) 2023.06.20
said, all the things she said Runnin' through my head, runnin' through my head Runnin' through my head All the things...I feel totally lost If I'm asking for help, it's only because Being with you has opened my eyes Could I ever believe...
기승전결이 있는 팝송 플리 추천 2025.03.10
가장 좋을 것이라는 글을 본 적이 있는데, 이 노래가 나에게는 항상 그런 암묵적 지지를 보내 준다. 6. Sam Smith-I'm not the only one 이 곡은 전주부터 목소리까지 어디 하나 좋지 않은 구석이 없다. 그리고 처절하게 매달리면서 자신을 깎아먹는 사랑...
Suga 💜 2025.01.28
It's already 2025, right??! haha. The only news I heard about you was from an army who saw you in a convenience store, I was so happy to know that you are well and healthy. I hope you are eating well, resting well, and most importantly...
한 줄 수다 2024.05.23
사람을 움직이는 유일한 방법은 내가 먼저 모범을 보이는 것이다. The only way to move a man is for me to set an example first. -알베르트 아인슈타인-
Work work work... 2024.04.09
Working all day long, come back home, just to clean up the mess, that ur family made... Can't be the only one with this problem, am I?
뉴진스 다니엘 “민희진 대표와 모든 작업 진심으로 했다” 영어로 심경 토로 2024.09.11
every task with sincere hearts and I believe it shows in our work Putting our sincere effort into something is only possible because of the people that we‘re working with have trust in each other and have that same vision.) 이어 다니엘...
미드에 많이 나오는 단골표현 (1) : 1~300 2024.03.25
086. 찬성자 다수로 가결되었다. The ayes have it. 087. 길고 짧은 것은 대 보아야 안다. It's hard to tell the difference only by theirappearances. 088. 올해 공로상은 누가 받았나? Who won the life‐time achievement award this year? 089...