카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
2025년 국방 ICT R&D 사업 신규지원 대상과제 공고_정보통신기획평가원 2025.02.04해당카페글 미리보기
성과 홍보에 노력하여야 합니다. 또한, 연구기관 및 연구자는 성과 홍보 시(각종 전시 참여․홍보 등) 다음의 사사(acknowledgement) 문구(안)을 포함하여야 하며, 언론 홍보가 예정되어 있는 경우, IITP와 협의 등 적극적인 협조를 부탁드립니다. * (문구...
Re: 비타민 E 결핍으로 인한 운동실조증(소뇌위축증) 2022년 case 논문 2025.01.21해당카페글 미리보기
APPROVAL None. CONSENT Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for publication of the report. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT None. Thapa S, Shah S, Chand S, et al. Ataxia due to vitamin E deficiency: A case report and updated review...
Juheng Acupuncture 2025.01.21해당카페글 미리보기
페이지 수 : 538 2. 목차 Contents Forward – Sang Heum, Park | Hyun Seo, Hwang | Hyung Jun, Kim | Yoo Jin, Lee Acknowledgement from Author History of Juheng Second Edition Preface Introductory Remarks Chapter 1 Introduction to Juheng...
English Proverbs Quiz 20설명첨부됨 2025.01.24해당카페글 미리보기
journey, each mistake a lesson, each jolt an awakening, each fall an opportunity to rise and walk again, each tear an acknowledgement of the soul, each smile a pathway to happiness. Thank you for sharing these twenty wonderful adages...
24-29 Learning from Mistakes(실수로부터 배우기) 2025.01.04해당카페글 미리보기
none there at all. Instead, when anything went wrong, or anyone did something wrong, we'd always make sure there was acknowledgement, you know, you owned up, and let people know, and then there was the forgiveness, and then there was the...