카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
BOK faces daunting rate dynamics 한국은행, 어려운 금리결정 2025.02.22해당카페글 미리보기
이코노미스트들이 목요일 밝혔다. Many say the Feb. 25 rate cut is a foregone conclusion, as warranted by prolonged anemic domestic spending and slowing export growth. 많은 사람들은 2월 25일 금리인하가 내수침체의 장기화와 수출성장 둔화로...
Re: 철분 항상성 문제 --> NO --> 치매, 파킨슨... 2025.01.26해당카페글 미리보기
Iron metabolism in the body is thus regulated by regulating each of these steps. For instance, under iron-deficient anemic conditions, enterocytes will produce higher levels of Dcytb, DMT1 and transferrin receptor (TfR) proteins (Fleming...
오늘의 해외 시각 및 동향 !! (08/30) 2024.08.30해당카페글 미리보기
외신평가 n 미국 경제, 연준의 금리인하에도 즉각적인 고용 증가는 기대난 블룸버그 (Fed Rate Cuts Are NoMagic Fixfor Anemic Hiring) ○ 연준의 정책 초점은 인플레이션에서 점차 고용으로 이동. 최근 신규실업급여 청구 및 해고는 안정적이지만...
Time to refocus 다시 초점을 맞출 시간 - 여야 두 지도자, 첫 만남에서 시급한 현안 해결해야 2024.08.21해당카페글 미리보기
matters most for the public: the protracted heat wave, stubbornly high consumer prices and interest rates and the anemic domestic demand that hurts small enterprises and the self-employed. Among other important topics, the problem-laden...
No one’s ready for this 2024.08.26해당카페글 미리보기
of note not just because the barrier to entry is so low, but because the safeguards we ran into were astonishingly anemic. The industry’s proposed AI image watermarking standard is mired in the usual standards slog, and Google’s own...
dear diary, 2024.08.12해당카페글 미리보기
i wake up and arrive in school my hands and feet will turn cold from the nervousness.. idk if it’s because i’m anemic or what lol 😆 i had a great day today but i unfortunately couldn’t go to church because my parents and eldest sister...
bioavailability) with the objective of increasing the nutritional value and more particularly to combat the anemic conditions. It should be stated that anemia was identified as a major deficiency disease, especially among the females and...
China Anemic Epoxy Resin Enterprises Face Vast Bankruptcy 2008.11.14해당카페글 미리보기
China Anemic Epoxy Resin Enterprises Face Vast Bankruptcy PUWORLD (08/11/14) --- The picture of continuous plummeting price of raw materials coupled with the anemic market demand have led to large-scale bankruptcy of China epoxy resin...
The Anemic Recovery Continues-wsj 3/17 : 미국 경제의 현재 상황 분석과 전망 2011.03.17해당카페글 미리보기
for the past six months. In short, the triple whammy of weak consumer sales, a weak housing market, and a deeply anemic job market is still very much with us. There are no quick fixes to the post-bubble credit collapse. The painful...
콩가루 집안인가 anemic royalty인가. Oh, my god... 2001.12.24해당카페글 미리보기
춤을 춰> 뻑가게 좋아함. 물론 나는 Nirvana의 Pennyroyal Tea를 동생에게 들려주면서 빈혈증걸리고 체리향나는 산억제약하고 변비약, 그리고 따뜻한 우유를 먹어야 목숨을 부지하는 anemic royalty가 나라고 말해주고 싶지만. 아. 지오디. 나이트가고...