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카페글 본문
위아이(WEi) 7th Mini Album [The Feelings] CONCEPT PHOTO 'Apprehensive' 2025.01.09해당카페글 미리보기
위아이(WEi) 7th Mini Album [The Feelings] CONCEPT PHOTO 'Apprehensive' 2025.01.15 6PM (KST) #위아이 #WEi #TheFeelings #NOTENOUGH
🍓🍓 1222 VOCA CHALLENGE 🍓🍓 2024.12.22해당카페글 미리보기
alleviate alleviation * allude allusion allusive * appall appalling * applicable application applicant applied * apprehensive apprehension apprehensible apprehend * ascertainment ascertain * assent * asset * assiduous assiduity...
Chapter 33 2025.02.21해당카페글 미리보기
awake now, and the hour drew nigh At which our food used to be brought to us, And through his dream was each one apprehensive; And I heard locking up the under door Of the horrible tower; whereat without a word I gazed into the faces of...
47과 신은 힘이시며, 나는 그 힘을 신뢰한다. 2025.02.16해당카페글 미리보기
God is the Strength in which I trust. 1 If you are trusting your own strength, you have every reason to be apprehensive, anxious, and fearful. What can you predict or control? What is there in you that can be counted on? What would give...
논어집주(論語集注) - 8 - 태백(泰伯) - ③ - 曾子有疾 召門弟子曰 啓予足 啓予手 詩云 戰戰兢兢 如臨深淵 如履薄氷 而今而後 吾知免 2025.02.01해당카페글 미리보기
of his school, and said, “Uncover my feet, uncover my hands. It is said in the Book of Poetry, ‘We should be apprehensive and cautious, as if on the brink of a deep gulf, as if treading on thin ice,’ I and so have I been. Now and...
turbulence 난류暖流, 격동, 격변, 소란, 혼란, 난기류亂氣流 =air turbulence 2024.12.14해당카페글 미리보기
패배시키다, 압도하다 resistance 저항 paralyse, ze 마비시키다 apprehension 불안, 걱정, 체포, 이해, 검거, 수심愁心, apprehensive 걱정되는, 불안한 innermost 가장 깊숙한 at arm's length 팔이 닿은 거리에, 어느 정도 거리를 두고, 서먹서먹하게...
"왜 한국과 중국인은 jpop에 데뷔하지 않나?" 해외반응 2024.05.13해당카페글 미리보기
아니라는 걸 알고 놀라는 일본 사람 많더라고. 동방신기도 일본어를 유창하게 구사했기대문에 더 잘 적응했던거고. Apprehensive_Spell59 kpop보다 jpop이 더 다양해. kpop에는 없는 흑인, 아시아 혼혈 가수도 있고, 풀 외국인 멤버 아이돌도 있음. ㄴ...
𓏲 ˖. 🍒Sαrαн ιѕ нereᝰ.ᐟ༯ #326♡ 2024.10.15해당카페글 미리보기
lately being « will I actually find a job » It’s not even about coming to the end of my studies, I’m genuinely apprehensive and extremely anxious about the after school I have actually already changed majors back in my first year of...
Interest rate cut brings mixed reactions 금리인하, 금융부문 전반에 엇갈린 반응 2024.10.14해당카페글 미리보기
sectors. While some sectors such as credit card firms may benefit from the change, others such as banks are apprehensive about the potential impacts on their profitability. 한국은행의 정책금리 동결이 장기화되면서 금융권마다 엇갈린 반응이...
8월18~24일 매일#성경 한소절 묵상 2024.08.18해당카페글 미리보기
두려워하지 말고 예수님 오시는 날을 기쁨으로 맞이해요. 영어 (English): Luke 21:25 People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. When Jesus returns, terrifying events...