카페검색 본문
테이블글 본문
한 줄 수다 2023.12.08
가능한 한 옷을 잘 입어라. 외모는 생각보다 훨씬 중요하다. Dress as well as you can. Appearance is much more important than you think. - 탈무드 -
센느강에서 국기 흔들다 결혼반지 빠트린 이탈리아 국가대표 2024.08.01
I'm so sorry, it breaks my heart. It could have been too much water, the weight I lost in recent months, or perhaps the...the air a thousand times before diving into the water as if that was where it wanted to be. It was just a few...
Crownfall Act III and Collector's Cache 2024.07.12
s intro comic, The Dragon, following Shen and her allies as they land in Icewrack, searching for Kestrel and his army...the end of Crownfall. Speaking of which, given how much the event has grown since we initially imagined it (and how...
미드에 많이 나오는 단골표현 (2) : 301~600 2024.03.25
up for? 496. 그는 내 일까지 1인 2역을 해. He doubles as my works. 497. 봉지를 두 겹으로 싸 드릴까요? Should I double...down. 499. 먼저 현금을 얼마나 내놓아야 합니까? How much down? 500. 십 년 공부 도로아미타불. Ten hours of work down the...
미드에 많이 나오는 단골표현 (1) : 1~300 2024.03.25
much better now. 108. 돌다리도 두들겨 보고 건너라. Second thoughts are best. 109. 될성부른 나무는 떡잎부터 알아본다. As the twig is bent, so grows the tree. 110. 많은 사람들이 고향으로 내려갑니다. Many people are homeward bound. 111. 숨...