카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
2024년 세계의 희망적인 이미지들 2024.12.14해당카페글 미리보기
the Table Tennis Mixed Doubles Gold Medal match on day four of the 2024 Olympic Games at South Paris Arena. Team China won gold, North Korea took silver, and South Korea took the bronze medal. # Yao Yingkang / Zhejiang Daily / VCG...
your not so daily dose of chaos 2024.08.01해당카페글 미리보기
your aussie friends if they know who Colin Buchanan is. editors note: I JUST DISCOVERED COLIN BUCHANAN WAS BORN IN IRELAND HUHHHHHHHH HES A FRAUD MY WHOLE LIFE IS A LIE FAKE AUSTRALIAN 🫵🫵🫵 … so I found out there’s a Tim Hortons in...
Aussie slang 2009.03.05해당카페글 미리보기
호주에서는 lift, 냅킨도 미국은 table napkin, 여긴 주로 serviette [서비엣] 횡단보도도 미국은 pedestrian crossing, 호주는...하던데 호주는 abso-bloody-lutely라고 하더라구요. 호주 영어, 좀 재미있죠? [출처] 호주 영어 Aussie slang 이야기...
Surbana Jurong buys Aussie infrastructure firm SMEC for S$400m 2016.08.02해당카페글 미리보기
buys Aussie infrastructure firm SMEC for S$400m Lee Yen nee XX@XX SINGAPORE — Local urban planning consultancy Surbana Jurong, formed after the high-profile merger between units under stateowned investment firm...
Aussie Job Survival Kit] Don't be Cocky..... 2008.10.04해당카페글 미리보기
Aussie Job Survival Kit] Don't be Cocky..... 호주 에서 25 년 됬지만 요사히는 호주인 직장에 다니면서 많은 것을 배우고 있다. 그중에 호주 직장에서 오래 살아 남기 위해서는 Cocky 가 되지 말아야 된다는 것이다. 만약 가장 한국말로 가까운 단어...
호주, 수상함 전력확충 계획 발표 2024.02.20해당카페글 미리보기
said. Aussie Navy to double surface fleet with $7B plan, but future funding uncertain Under the new plan, the Australian surface fleet will grow to 26 ships over the next decade. By COLIN CLARKon February 20, 2024 at 7:40 AM Concept art...
식당에서 2023.08.13해당카페글 미리보기
called "Aussie Fish and chips." It's very popular here in Australia. I didn't order this. I din't think I ordered this. I don't think this is what I'm supposed to have. What's it called? = What do you call that? What's the name of the...
23-5 Anatta in Meditation(명상 속의 무아) 2023.09.11해당카페글 미리보기
food, Aussie food, Sri Lankan food, Indian food. Any other food I missed out? No. So Norwegian food, salmon, yeah. Okay. And seaweed. So it's amazing just how the people come here, many with the different needs for their food. And it's...
지구상에서 25 베스트 레스토랑 2014.05.01해당카페글 미리보기
4 Aussie native chef Brett Graham has catapulted The Ledbury into Michelin-star status. The modern French food is high-quality, while the ambiance is relaxed and casual. One of his best dishes is the loin and neck of lamp with rosemary...
1년동안의 working holiday 호주 이야기<사진과 함께...> 2004.07.21해당카페글 미리보기
glove나 table grapes을 땃죠.. 1주해서 겨우 400달러 벌어서, 또 갈등의 연속이었죠.. 백팩값과 식비를 빼니, 또 겨우 350달러 잔고에 남네요.. 때 마침 우연히 놀러온 같이 일하던 사람의 여자친구, 여기서 버스타고 1시간 더가면 Robin-vale이라는 곳이...