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카페글 본문
[11월5일(수)] EBS 파워잉글리쉬 방송자료 정리 ; My mom refused to bail me out of trouble. 2008.11.05해당카페글 미리보기
did we end up all the way out here? bail out : to extricate from a difficult situation 구제하다 ex) My mom refused to bail me out of trouble. clean up : to make clean or orderly 깨끗이 하다 ex) We need to clean up the house after the...
[Wonder World] "Bail me Out !! " 은 무슨뜻일까용?? 2010.08.18해당카페글 미리보기
"Bail me Out" 은 무슨뜻일까요?? 우선 bail이 명사로 쓰이면 '보석(금)'을 뜻해서 "He was released on bail of $100,000."이라고 하면 " 그는 보석금 10만 달러를 내고 풀려났다."라는 뜻이 됩니다. bail out은 동사로 쓰인 경우로 '…을 보석금을 내고...
채무위기 경제를 극복하기 위한 두 가지의 길: 베일 아웃(bail out)과 부채탕감(debt jubilee) 2020.03.26해당카페글 미리보기
Send me your former millionaires with now empty accounts and I will make them whole again. I lift my greenback lamp beside my free money door. Come in and get what you want!” Join the debate on Facebook More articles by:JACK RASMUS Jack...
bail out 2011.04.25해당카페글 미리보기
빼냈어 -Please ,bail me out. -Your mom always bails you out, that’s why you’re still immature. - A; You and your brother seem to have a really deep bond. B; That’s true. My brother used to bail me out of trouble. Quiz : 회의 때...
Federal Reserve (US Taxpayers) Bail Out Big European Banks Yet Again-Another Financial Terrorism? 2011.09.19해당카페글 미리보기
Taxpayers) Bail Out Big European Banks Yet Again Posted By On September 17, 2011 @ 5:26 am In Economy,Feature,Hot List,News | 2 Comments [1] [2] It’s deja vu all over again, again. How many times are we going to throw trillions of...
Do not bail on me. 2009.12.23해당카페글 미리보기
Do not bail on me. 날 배신하지마. 바람맞힘 안돼. Slang Dictionary bail on (so) to walk out on someone; to leave someone. : She bailed on me after all we had been through together. ex.) You can't bail on me tonight,오늘 나 바람맞히지 마...
Rein: Why China Should Not Bail Out Europe-CNBC 9/19 : 중국이 EU 국채 매입이 아니라 국가부채 위기 해결 간접적 지원 방법 2011.09.20해당카페글 미리보기
At the same time, fears about Italy's fiscal problems embroiled global markets. At every meeting people asked me, “Will China bail out Europe?” Even rumors that China would step in and buy Italian bonds calmed markets and share prices...
bail out 2009.03.12해당카페글 미리보기
bail out : to extricate from a difficult situation 구제하다 Ex) My mom refused to bail me out of trouble.
Hand Me Down My Walkin` Cane - Norman Blake 2010.07.13해당카페글 미리보기
fat (3) Oh good lord I cain't eat that My sins they have overtaken me Intro... Come on mama and go my bail(3) Get me out of this Nashville jail My sins they have overtaken me If I Die in Tennessee(3) Ship Me Back by C.O.D My sins they...
[전치사 out] 2010.04.23해당카페글 미리보기
bail out the auto industry? bailout = government funding : 구제금융 When I was in trouble, my family bailed me out. (bail해서 그 상황에서 꺼내준 것(out) à 구해주다.) 또한, 어떤 상황에서 도와주어(help) 꺼내주다(out)로 쓰이는 경우도...