카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
weight(체중) paunch = potbelly, German goiter, navy chest, corporation(올챙이배) 2025.02.02해당카페글 미리보기
He is very heavy. He only weighed three pounds at birth. Our Chrismas turkey weighed 16 pounds. Have you weighed yourself lately? gain [put on] weight 체중이 늘다, 살찌다 lose [drop] weight 체중이 줄다, 살이 빠지다 sweat away [off] 땀을...
Re: 아토피 행진. 아이들에게 항생제 사용후 급격히 증가한다... 1400명 코호트연구 2025.01.09해당카페글 미리보기
Pregnancy, labor, delivery, and neonatal information was abstracted from hospital charts. Information included birth weight, gestational age at delivery, and complications at delivery. Gestational age in completed weeks was based on...
Long-term Impact of Low Birth Weight 2010.01.06해당카페글 미리보기
문법300제 Day1 p.12 8번 2024.09.23해당카페글 미리보기
300제 p.12 8번에 첫 번째 문장의 명사구 such as increased recovery time from illness, reduced ability of mothers to breasr feed, and increase in low birth weight babies. 에서 increased가 되어야 앞에 and 병렬구조형태를 맞출 수 있지 않나요?
한영_건강_김형민 2024.08.18해당카페글 미리보기
뇌혈관) diseases 호흡기질환 : respiratory diseases 신장질환 : kidney diseases 조산 :premature birth 저체중아출산 : low birth weight babies 자외선 : Ultraviolet rays 대기오염물질 : air pollutant 천식 : asthma 콘센트 뽑아두기 :: unplugging...