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Re: 활성산소 --> 비타민 E의 항산화 기능 2022년 2025.02.02해당카페글 미리보기
by 21% [116,117]. Interestingly, the correlation between high-dose intake of vitamin E and an enhanced bleeding tendency was for the first time explained in a rat model. Here, hypoprothrombinemia induced by high-dose supplementation of...
25-03 Pasadika Sutta Part 3 2025.02.09해당카페글 미리보기
so bleeding obvious that you should not actually buy into fame. But for the vast majority of people in the world, actually you do tend to buy into these things. It is very easy for the sense of self to be affected by these things. So...
급성 골수성 백혈병[acute myeloid leukemia, AML] 2023.10.22해당카페글 미리보기
백혈구가 됨)가 나타나게 된다. 각 조직이 침범되고, 정상적인 골수기능의 마비로 심각한 면역기능 저하 및 출혈경향(bleeding tendency; 지혈 메커니즘에 장애가 발생하여 전신적으로 출혈하기 쉬운 상태를 말하며, 이 경우 사소한 손상에 의해서도 출혈...
This tendency, in the case of Charles Darwin, was fully kept in check by the determination to test his theories to the utmost. Erasmus had a strong love of all kinds of mechanism, for which Charles Darwin had no taste. Neither had...
Diseases Causes and theories of causation-질병의 원인과 원인 이론,윌리엄 러셀 2024.03.27해당카페글 미리보기
Universal Tendency, is capable of such different Operations, nor can it be so disposed, as Nature may be capable by the same, to extravert the introversate, and that without Damage to the Parts or Organs, since it is not given to Nature...
i'm just gonna spam about optics 2023.12.24해당카페글 미리보기
a tendency, where as tropia is a constant. for example, esotropia the eye is Always turned in (usually only affects one eye- "cross eyed"), where as esophoria it's incidental. with a cover test, basically, you have the pt focus on a...
부항치료법(Cupping therapy) 2024.09.12해당카페글 미리보기
보면 “ bleeding by wet cupping removes foreign matter from the body.” 라고 기재되어 있다. 다시 말하면 “습부항은 인체내의 오물을 제거시켜 준다.” 는 뜻이다. 고대 이집트(ancient Egyptians) 사람들은 부항을 사용하여 거의 모든 질병을 치료...
Alt Shoud 6 모든 생들의 통합 - I Exist 2023.03.21해당카페글 미리보기
lives bleeding through. But your mind doesn’t know how to interpret it into the context of a past life, so it puts it into symbols that it is familiar with in this lifetime. But suddenly, you have this whole thing of knowingness. You...
#2790 나는 누구인가? - 五蔘(오삼) five three 2023.05.17해당카페글 미리보기
massive bleeding, weak pulse and cold hands and feet. It is a drug that works on the back. The other is the first ginseng and the second 沙蔘 (four ginseng). The third is 丹蔘 (Dansam). The fourth is 玄蔘(玄蔘). Fifth, pick up 苦蔘...
Medical English-병원의 진료과목 영문 표기 분류 2020.08.26해당카페글 미리보기
Betatron 수혈부 Blood Transfusing Department 천칭실 Balance Room 바륨실 Barium Preparation Room 출혈소인 Bleeding Tendency 화상병동 Burns Ward 세포학 Dytology Cytol. 세포병리학 Cytopathology 방광절개술 Cystotomy 중환자실 Coronary Care...