카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
신근초(현대본초) 2024.10.08해당카페글 미리보기
clubmoss,spores of Wolf's claw clubmoss,spores of Tree clubmoss,spores of Annotinous Clubmoss,spores of Bristly clubmoss,spores of Interrupted clubmoss,spores of Stiff clubmoss,spores of Alpine 귀경(歸經) 肝;脾经 약리작용(藥理...
Bristly Cave Crayfish (Cambarus setosus) 2012.11.05해당카페글 미리보기
학명 : Cambarus setosus 일반적인 이름 : Bristly Cave Crayfish 지역 : 남서부 미주리주, 그린 재스퍼, 로렌스 뉴턴, 스톤 카운티, 북동부 오클라호마 Southwestern Missouri (Christian, Dade, Greene, Jasper, Lawrence, Newton, and Stone counties...
자괴화(刺槐花) 아까시나무 2024.01.31해당카페글 미리보기
나무] 학명:Robinia pseudoacacia L. 분류군:Leguminosae(콩과) 일어:ニセアカシヤ 영문:Black Locust, False Acacia, Bristly Locust, Mossy Locust 잎 잎은 호생하며 기수1회우상복엽이다. 소엽은 9-19개로 타원형 또는 난형이고 길이 2.5-4.5cm로 원두...
8일간의 일본 일주 기차여행 5일차^아키타 카쿠노타테 다자와코 2023.09.07해당카페글 미리보기
plant because of its attractiveness and brilliantly colored, furry flowers. The Latin specific epithet hispida means “bristly”, referring to the pendent flowers which vaguely resemble brushes. Origins Red hot cat tail 댑싸리 힘들어라...
Carrot 2023.04.20해당카페글 미리보기
on the commissural side that faced the septum of the ovary. The flattened side has five longitudinal ribs. The bristly hairs that protrude from some ribs are usually removed by abrasion during milling and cleaning. Seeds also contain oil...
나무 학명이 나타내는 뜻 2014.12.26해당카페글 미리보기
large-flowered 큰 꽃을 피우는 grandis = big 큰 helvetica = from Switzerland 스위스로부터 hirsuta = hairy 털이난 hispida = bristly 털이많은 humilis = short 짧은 hyemalis = of winter 겨울의 incana = grey 회색의 inodora = unscented 향이...
My trip to Neverland, and the call from Michael Jackson I'll never forget, by Paul Theroux 2009.09.26해당카페글 미리보기
glass of their cage trying to bite me. The llamas spat at me, as llamas do, but even in the ape sanctuary, "AJ", a big bristly, shovel-mouthed chimp, had spat in my face, and Patrick the orang-utan had tried to twist my hand. "And don't...
러시아의 보르조이 기준!^^ 2003.11.10해당카페글 미리보기
breeches”, feathering of the tail sparse; straight hair; fine curls all over the body. Serious faults: Stiff, bristly. SKIN Supple, elastic Faults: insufficiently supple and elastic Serious faults: loose skin SKELETON AND MUSCULATURE...
서울 가로수길에 생긴 Aesop매장 Aesop's first shop in Seoul features recycled pine and blackened-steel fittings 2015.03.10해당카페글 미리보기
to allow customers to test out products, but it also serves as a cash desk. A strip of brown coir matting with short bristly hairs runs along one side of the counter. Local timber and black steel were used to construct rows of shelves...
Rosa acicularis(민둥인가목) 2014.10.28해당카페글 미리보기
366개의 종이 있음. *Species(종) : Rosa acicularis(ass-ik-yew-LAIR-iss) *Common name(명) : prickly wild rose, Prickly rose, Bristly rose, Arctic rose 우리나라에서는 민둥인가목이라 함. *원산지(분포) : 아시아, 유럽, 북미 배경음악 : Frank...