카페검색 본문
테이블글 본문
Can AI Truly Think Like a Philosopher? 2025.02.11
can-ai-truly-think-like-philosopher.html 🤖 Can AI truly think like a philosopher? Does AI question, reflect, and doubt...or just process data cleverly? 🧠💭 If it ever asks, "Do I exist?", would that make it conscious? 🤔 Unravel this mind...
Why do AI-generated photos feel lifeless? 2025.02.14
intuition, and human touch. True photography captures imperfection, memories, and soul: things AI can’t feel. Can AI ever replace human creativity? 🤔 Read more 👉 https://www.qwanjk.com/2025/02/...
i don't know what i have do 2025.01.17
😭😭🙏🏻if anyone see my message please tell me if i can fix it , i don't know really🙏🏻🙏🏻😭
Everything You Do - M2M (2000/09/06) 2023.06.20
CHORUS 1 My mind is spinning round and round There's something special that I have found Everytime I close my eyes all I can think of is you and me Oh baby can't you see CHORUS That everything you do Makes me wanna go... Oooh ooh oh oh...
You Can Get It All - Bow Wow (2009/03/30) 2023.06.21
I'm like Wooo-hooo Baby you can get it all, You can get it all You can get it wooo-hooo When I think about you That's...get it I know you heard my reputation You don't think I would ever do right by you You think that if you and I was in...
한 줄 수다 2024.12.28
나만이 내 인생을 바꿀수 있다. 아무도 날 대신해 해줄수 없다. Only I can change my life. No one can do it for - 캐롤 버넷 -
한 줄 수다 2024.10.11
인간의 진정한 척도는 그가 자신에게 전혀 도움이 되지 않는 사람을 어떻게 대하는가이다. The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good. -사무엘 존슨-
한 줄 수다 2024.09.28
할수 있을때 하지 않으면 하고 싶을때 하지 못한다. Don't do when you can do, can't do when you want to do. - 프랑시스 클라인 -
영광의 무대를 상상했다는 네일 보시오~ 2024.09.17
Can do it for every year. KIA 네일 “계약 순간부터 한국시리즈 등판 상상해…꼭 영광의 무대 누릴 것” [스포츠서울 | 문학=황혜정 기자] “KIA와 사인하는 순간부터 한국시리즈 등판 상상했어요.” KIA 타이거즈가 정규시즌 우승을 확정지으며, 한국...
한 줄 수다 2024.08.22
목표에 대한 신념이 투철하고, 이에 상응한 노력만 쏟아부으면 그 누구라도 무슨 일이든 다 할 수있다. With a strong sense of belief in the goal, and with a corresponding effort, anyone can do anything. - 정주영 회장 -