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카페글 본문
Re: 위장 .. 미주신경 지배 2020년 논문 2024.12.20해당카페글 미리보기
network of enteric neurons in the gut wall. He concluded that the limited number of motor axons must contact a circumscribed number of specialized “mother” or “vagal” cells (more recently called “command neurons” by Wood2) in the...
건선 질환 .. 피부 세균, 장내 세균과의 관계.. 2024.06.21해당카페글 미리보기
is a multifactorial inflammatory disease with a complex pathogenesis, which in most cases manifests as well-circumscribed erythematous papules and plaques covered with silvery scales. The etiology of psoriasis is not entirely clear; it...
키리엘과 실손의료비의 관계 2024.03.26해당카페글 미리보기
dermatitis, unspecified L20아토피성 피부염Atopic dermatitis질병통계 사망원인통계 즐겨찾기 국한신경피부염(L28.0)Circumscribed neurodermatitis L20.0베스니에가려움발진Besnier’s prurigo즐겨찾기 L20.8기타 아토피성 피부염Other atopic...
과당 연구.. 2024.03.07해당카페글 미리보기
2.1. Fructose Transporters and Concentrations in the Blood The normal roles of fructose in human metabolism are circumscribed by the amounts of fructose (and diet-derived glucose) found in a meal, the time course of absorption from the...
하마스가 사라지면 팔레스타인이 자유로워 질 수 잇을까?? 2023.11.05해당카페글 미리보기
craving for freedom – a “sacred” duty. His biggest aspiration is a diplomatic solution that creates a severely circumscribed Palestinian mini-state. If Israel can’t allow freedom to the West Bank under Abbas, how is it ever going to...