카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
(10/1st Sun) Study: Two or Three Coffees a Day Best for Mental Health 2023.09.29해당카페글 미리보기
Article 1. Study: Two or Three Coffees a Day Best for Mental Health https://engoo.co.kr/app/daily-news/article/study-two-or-three-coffees-a-day-best-for-mental-health/l1jBrFldEe6gbF9qbug4oA Study: Two or Three Coffees a Day Best for...
two coffees 2023.09.17해당카페글 미리보기
500원의 미학 (brunch.co.kr) 500원의 미학 어제 어느 기사에서 데이트하는데 여자가 한푼도 안 쓴다는걸 읽고는 '된장녀'라고 썼더니 자동 삭제처리가 되었다.. 난 아직도 은어에 대해서 모르지만, 가끔 이렇게 읊어댈때가 있다. 돈이 많 brunch.co.kr...
겨울 카페 2024.01.19해당카페글 미리보기
피워낼 너는 어디에? When winter comes I’d love to go to the café which has wide windows, The riverside, Music and coffees 겨울이면 강변이 있고 음악과 차가 있는 창 넓은 카페로 가고 싶다 Will you be there as it is? I’ll be soon and Sit...
🐻❤️📬 2024.12.30해당카페글 미리보기
feeling just by looking at him and listening to his stories and everything he said?!!!!! So no need for other coffees~. However, when he said chocolate and I saw it written on the list, for me it was the end of the world!!!!!!! I...
To our beloved Eric #875 #876 💌💋 2024.11.14해당카페글 미리보기
to meet my friend Anastasia downtown which I haven't seen for a while now. We shared our news while drinking our coffees and later a innocent burger 🫣. Today a very busy day too, it's been only a very few minutes since I left work cause...