카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
[초보 수출기업을 위한 안전수출 가이드(44)] 부동산 PF와 프로젝트 파이낸스 2025.01.31해당카페글 미리보기
PF 사업 시공사(건설사) · Input Supplier : PF 사업 원재료 공급자 · Offtaker : PF 사업 생산물 구매자, Off-take Contract (생산물판매계약) · Operator : PF 사업 운영자 · Concession Agreement : (정부 등과의) 양허협약 출처 : 주간무역
양도 행위(Concession Activity) 2003.04.12해당카페글 미리보기
에 관한' 법에 따르면, 양도는 국가를 대신해서 외국인 투자자들에게 발행되는 허가로, 후자가 양도 계약(concession agreement)에 기반해 토지, 심층토에 관련된 특정 비즈니스 활동을 하는 것을 허가한다. 우즈베키스탄의 토지가 국가의 배타적인 재산...
Ontario Human Rights Code 2023.04.02해당카페글 미리보기
a person to use a taxicab, limousine or vehicle for a private transportation company. • Entering into an exclusive concession agreement. • Knowingly driving someone around for an unlawful purpose. • Communicating on a mobile device...
R. v. Marshall Collection Supreme Court Judgments 2024.11.30해당카페글 미리보기
oral agreement recorded in contemporaneous minutes were included in the treaty (p. 230) and the court concluded that their effect was to “preserve the historic right of these Indians to hunt and fish on Crown lands” (p. 236). The...
[이래경] 후쿠시마 핵오염수 방출은 즉각 중단되어야 한다! Dumping Fukushima nuclear contaminated... 2024.06.13해당카페글 미리보기
the agreement of a conclusion on the situation, and daily due inspection, also processing methods of treatment on the contaminated water, etc. In addition, as the only responsible international organization, UN should not be swayed by...
미북 정상회담 공동성명 서명/ signed an agreement at the end of five hours of meetings. 2018.06.13해당카페글 미리보기
the agreement. Experts estimate that North Korea has between 20 and 80 nuclear weapons. Trump said he and Kim only very briefly talked about human rights, but that the two sides would discuss it more in the future. When asked about...
Concession Smooths Way Toward a Greek Debt Deal-wsj 2/8 : 유럽 중앙은행(ECB) 그리스 국채보유 양보와 개인투자자 구조조정 막마지 협상진행 상황과 전망 2012.02.08해당카페글 미리보기
or whether it will make a profit, these people told The Wall Street Journal. News of the agreement was first reported by DJ FX Trader. The concession appears to be a further sign of the growing pragmatism of the ECB under its new...
Trump and Kim nuclear summit agreement contains no new promises 2018.06.12해당카페글 미리보기
the agreement said the U.S. would "provide security guarantees" to North Korea — without saying what those might be. Breaking News Emails Get breaking news alerts and special reports. The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday...
S Korea, Australia agree to exchange tariff concession lists 2009.05.23해당카페글 미리보기
tariff concession list exchange before both sides proceed to a second round of free trade negotiations in September, Seoul officials said Friday. 대한민국과 오스트레일리아는 9월에 자유무역협정의 두번째 단계에 들어가기 전에 관세양허 교환...
which the first contracting party believes to have been contemplated by a concession provided for in the appropriate Schedule annexed to this Agreement, it shall bring the matter directly to the attention of the other contracting party...