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Self-contained.Antenna.Tracker 제품소개 2024.09.22해당카페글 미리보기
http://csnsat.com/sat S.A.T. Satellite Rotator & Rig Control The Goal Getting an antenna rotator to work with a computer can be an expensive and complicated task. After paying hundreds for a Yaesu rotator you then have to pay for an...
Commercial diving, 潜もぐる, Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus 2023.11.27해당카페글 미리보기
위한 잠수관련부대들이 한 둘씩 창설됨으로서 한국에도 스쿠버라는 새로운 잠수장비가 등장하게 되었다. 스쿠버란 Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus의 합성어이다. 독립된 휴대용 잠수기구를 잠수사가 물 속으로 직접 가지고 들어가 숨쉬는...
◆ 자기(自己) 삶을 당당(堂堂)하게 가꾸는 사람(a self-contained person) ◆ 2023.04.25해당카페글 미리보기
1. 힘차게 일어나라.(1. Rise and shine.) 시작이 좋아야 끝도 좋다. 육상선수(陸上選手, track and field athlete)는 심판(審判, referee)의 총소리(a gun report)에 모든 신경을 곤두세운다.(A good start is a good end. The track and field athlete...
LA 산불 상황... 불길은 안잡히고 다른 지역에 불씨 확산 중 (뉴욕타임즈) 2025.01.10해당카페글 미리보기
소중한 공간입니다. 댓글 작성 시 타인에 대한 배려와 책임을 다해주세요. 현재 불길이 잡힌 구역은 펠리세이드 6% 뿐이긔 contained 억제됐다는 게 불길 경계가 더 퍼지지 않는다는 의미라 94% 경계와 그 안에서는 계속 타고 있긔 더 태울 게 없어야...
Modern art Pop Art and modern art pop abstract artist 49 Contemporary Conce 2025.03.13해당카페글 미리보기
of the abstract desire of aesthetic temporality. In the category of imitability in the painting, the notation is contained on the canvas, and painting until modern times is a social constraint (制約) that can be accepted in religious...
Chapter 29 (Part 2) 2025.03.12해당카페글 미리보기
they here; saving that in their plumage John is with me, and differeth from him. The interval between these four contained A chariot triumphal on two wheels, Which by a Griffin's neck came drawn along; And upward he extended both his...
[Contract 2] 2. Teachers Insurance v. Butler 2025.03.12해당카페글 미리보기
documents, the defendants stated that they were unwilling to accept the Teachers’ loan as long as the documents contained the Default Prepayment Fee Language, which was not included in the initial Commitment Letter. Soon after, Teachers...
신약성경 비평판-Aland: 시놉시스 Quattuor Evangeliorum / 부록: 라틴어 에디션' 2025.03.10해당카페글 미리보기
the details of what the papyri read, including comments on previous editions. Note that, had other papyri contained this passage, their readings would also have been discussed under separate heads. www.skypoint.com 소개 칼 라흐만(Karl...
Re: 기면증 탈력발작 감마 하이드록시뷰티르산 치료효과 2025.03.09해당카페글 미리보기
sleep or cataplexy. Only epochs with ≥5 s of the drug-induced state were scored as such; mixed-state epochs that contained <5 s of the drug-induced state were marked for exclusion from spectral analysis. Data were analyzed as time spent...
These Words Are Disappearing in the New Trump Administration 2025.03.09해당카페글 미리보기
analysis of pages on federal agency websites, before and after Mr. Trump took office, found that more than 250 contained evidence of deletions or amendments to words included in the above list. Here are some notable examples. Words that...