카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
Bible Reading - Proverbs 19:11~19 2025.03.08해당카페글 미리보기
19:16 He who obeys instructions guards his life, 명령을 지키는 자는 자기 생명을 보호하지만 but he who is contemptuous(경멸하는,얕잡아보는) of his ways will die. 자신의 행위를 업신여기는 자는 죽을 것이다. 19:17 He who is kind to the poor...
에필로그 2-1 2025.02.07해당카페글 미리보기
could he be ashamed before her? And yet he was ashamed even before Sonia, whom he tortured because of it with his contemptuous rough manner. But it was not his shaven head and his fetters he was ashamed of: his pride had been stung to...
잠언 19장 (한영/문장) 2025.01.31해당카페글 미리보기
영혼을 지키거니와 자기의 행실을 삼가지 아니하는 자는 죽으리라 He who obeys instructions guards his life, but he who is contemptuous of his ways will die. 17 가난한 자를 불쌍히 여기는 것은 여호와께 꾸어 드리는 것이니 그의 선행을 그에게...
마태복음 5장: 예수님과 바울의 율법관에 대한 챗 GPT와 토론Matthew 5: Chat GPT and Discussion on Je 2025.01.13해당카페글 미리보기
verses 21 to 24, you're right to mention anger, and perhaps "laka" refers to "Raca" in the Bible, which means a contemptuous term. This shows how serious anger and insults are. For 25 to 26, you're on track with "peace"—the instruction...
The Great Gatsby 읽기 22 - 45:15 ~ 47:31 2024.12.05해당카페글 미리보기
Baker came out of the house and stood at the head of the marble steps, leaning a little backward and looking with contemptuous interest down into the garden. Welcome or not, I found it necessary to attach myself to someone before I...
다시 소환되는 역겨운 케네디 마켓팅 2024.11.29해당카페글 미리보기
the height of their exceptionalism, infallibility and all-permissiveness come from? What is the explanation for this contemptuous and disdainful attitude to our interests and absolutely legitimate demands?” Putin said the Americans had...
Deuteronomy 신명기 16~17장 2024.10.09해당카페글 미리보기
그 사람을 죽여 이스라엘 중에서 악을 제하여 버리라 All the people will hear and be afraid, and will not be contemptuous again.그리하면 온 백성이 듣고 두려워하여 다시는 무법하게 행하지 아니하리라 When you enter the land the LORD your God...
8월 18일 일요일 2024.08.18해당카페글 미리보기
13. He that is void of wisdom — Of knowledge, prudence, and grace; despiseth his neighbour — Which he shows by contemptuous or reproachful expressions; but a man of understanding holdeth his peace — Forbears all such expressions, and...
예레미야49:7-22 에서(에돔) 보스라 심판 2024.08.11해당카페글 미리보기
22e) - 철저한 심판 중에도 남긴 긍휼_the pride left even during a thorough judgment_ 끌어내려 멸시를 주는 심판_a contemptuous referee_ 에돔의 추방과 울부짖음_ Edom's deportation and howl_ 자기를 지키지 못하는 헛된 자랑_vain bragging about...
가룟유다 자세히 보기 (1973-1983)/ 곽현목사 2024.06.10해당카페글 미리보기
with the thought that "the Lord might save Himself." When he received the 30 pieces of silver and faced the most contemptuous looks and words, his ego suffered unbearable shock and hurt. To escape this, his ego eventually pushed him to...