카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
mtDNA 미토콘드리아 DNA 분비 --> 선천면역세포 활성 .. 2023년 Annual review 2025.02.12해당카페글 미리보기
Trauma and injury Acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome ▪ Increased levels of circulating mtDNA that correlate with disease severity, along with increased levels of mtDNA present in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid...
Re: 운동실조증 - 다계통 위축증.. 병리학 2022년 2025.01.21해당카페글 미리보기
nuclei [194], and the pontomedullary reticular formation [149]. The density of αSyn pathology did not correlate with neuronal loss, and there was no correlation between the αSyn burden and disease duration in these regions, indicating...
Re: 9, 10, 11, 12 cranial nerve 질환... 2025.01.15해당카페글 미리보기
퇴행성 또는 종양성일 수 있습니다. Symptoms of Lower Cranial Nerve Lesions Symptoms arising from lesions of LCN correlate with the various functions of the four nerves. Thus, symptoms of LCN lesions include dysphagia, dysarthria, hoarse...
Re: 소장박테리아 과증식 nature 2025.01.13해당카페글 미리보기
microbiome specifically with regard to processing of dietary carbohydrate and fiber. SIBO, however, did not correlate with patient symptoms and was also seen in healthy individuals consuming a high-fiber diet. In a pilot intervention...
Re: 아토피 행진... 2025.01.08해당카페글 미리보기
and greater asthma persistence into adulthood.23, 24 Similar to FA, loss-of-function mutations in the filaggrin gene correlate with asthma susceptibility and severity in patients with AD, but not in those without AD—indicating that skin...
Re: 대퇴골두 무혈성 괴사증은 전신 system 질환이다.. 2020년 nature 2024.11.13해당카페글 미리보기
and sometimes associated with Increased Lipoprotein A and protein C deficiency21. However, MTHFR mutations do not correlate with the disease in Korean and Japanese populations22, pointing to a possible population specific differences...
기출 기입 질문 2024.11.18해당카페글 미리보기
안녕하세요! 아래 문제 두번째 반칸에 딥이 correlate 인데 concurrent validity가 높다다고 봐도 되나요? 토플이 갑자기 왜 언급된 걸까요? 감사합니다!
복잡한 고관절 통증 원인 찾기 2024.11.08해당카페글 미리보기
and will show joint space narrowing and osteophyte formation. However, presence of these findings does not always correlate with symptom severity.7,13,29 Ultrasound-guided anesthetic injection of the hip joint may help differentiate an...
Re: 오십견 탐구 - 초음파, 오구상완인대 약침으로 유착떼기 치료 효과... 2024.10.17해당카페글 미리보기
visualized as thickened or high-echoic regions on Ultrasound22, and a report showed these sonographic changes correlate with pain, a greater reduction in fascial shear strain, and also reduced lumber ROM in patients with low back pain23...
feasible 실현 가능한 =practicable, ↔unpracticable 2024.09.06해당카페글 미리보기
삶에 대한) 불안, 고뇌, angst-ridden 불안에 시달리는 mortality 언젠가는 죽어야 함 treatable 치료 가능한 peer through ~을 통해 훔쳐보다 acne 여드름 correlate (밀접한) 연관성이 있다 pockmarked 우묵우묵 자국이 나 있는, 구멍이 숭숭 나 있는