카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
#3506 나는 누구인가? - 歸去(귀거) 2025.01.28해당카페글 미리보기
philosophy has mass-produced squabbles and is used as a means of making strange arguments, denying God by saying that God is dead. Kim Dae-jung's Nobel Peace Prize has become the nutrient for the communist group's cultivation, and Han...
What is faith? (New Life Church Pastor Choi Jong-dae’s sermon) 2023.10.26해당카페글 미리보기
Jong-dae’s sermon) ( https://cafe.daum.net/newlifechurchinkorea ) You can go to heaven only by faith. But what kind of faith will get you to heaven? It is true that there are so many church members who go to hell even though they have...
홍순애 대모님 성화식…. 2024.04.04해당카페글 미리보기
True Parents is “a grandmother with a loyal and sincere heart, who sacrificed her life for God's will", and Dae Mo Nim was well deserving of it because of her sincere devotion to God's will. 真の父母様は大母様の精誠と功労を称えられ...
How can we Christians defend the doctrine of the Trinity of God against Judaism and Moslem? 2014.07.04해당카페글 미리보기
스베덴보리[Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772)]를 읽고 삼위일체론에 대한 소고. 채선대 목사) pastor Chae Seon Dae Even though God is One Personal God phenomenologically because He is One in Three Divine Substances of Divine Love and Divine...
Birthday Letter 📝🎂 2025.03.02해당카페글 미리보기
Young-dae, How was your first morning? I wish you a wonderful morning with a bright smile as you start a new chapter in life. 오늘은 2025년 3월 2일입니다. 나이가 들면서 삶의 선함과 행복이 더욱 커지기를 기도합니다. 올해 모든 꿈과 좋은...
김대경 목사의 영혼 사랑 전도 후기입니다 (공유용) 2025.01.06해당카페글 미리보기
Pastor Dae-kyung Kim. Jesus cured my pancreatic cancer. I am a person who has come back to life supernaturally. Even the doctor was surprised. I also appeared on TV. I became a famous person. Looking ahead to death Clearly there is...
김대경 목사의 전도 묵상 (21) 2024.10.29해당카페글 미리보기
Pastor Dae-kyung Kim. Jesus cured my pancreatic cancer. I am a person who has come back to life supernaturally. The doctor told me that the cancer cells had already spread to the lymph nodes and there was no guarantee of survival. After...
[영화 대본] ‘Veteran(재향 군인, 2015)‘ 결말 부분 2024.09.22해당카페글 미리보기
supporter God? How dare he stab a police officer. I will take responsibility here, so bring the guy who order him to do that. All of you heard that, right? Now case has been changed to one of violence against an officer. Hey, did you...
15. The history of the Korean people! 2024.10.03해당카페글 미리보기
姓): Dae(大) Dynasty: 12th - 259 years (7865~8123, AD668~926) Goryeo Royal name: Je제(帝), Wang(王) - Surname: Wang(王) 34th - 474 years (8115~8589, AD 918~1392) Joseon Dynasty Royal name: Wang(王) - Last name: Lee(李) 27th - 518 years...
항상 복종하여 두렵고 떨림으로 너희 구원을 이루라 너희 안에서 행하시는 이는 하나님이시니 자기의 기쁘신 뜻을 위하여 너희로 소원을 두고 2024.08.03해당카페글 미리보기
the God who came to be visible to humans. We must follow the mind of Jesus who humbled himself.Becoming humble is the way to save your soul. Pride and arrogance belong to Satan, and are the minds of those who go to hell. Philippians 2:21...