카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
고지혈증 약물, 스타틴, 미토콘드리아기능부전, 자가포식 장애.. 탐구 2025.02.03해당카페글 미리보기
of IL-1b and other pro-inflammatory molecules; the second proposing that autophagy removes damaged mitochondria, thus dampening NALP3 activation. It is possible that those two processes are not mutually exclusive and act in parallel to...
Re: gluten ataxia - 글루텐 운동실조... 2024년 2025.01.20해당카페글 미리보기
burden on haematoxylin and eosin stain. This observation supports the potential contribution of the GFD to dampening neuroinflammatory processes and might pose an explanation as to why sparse CD4 immunoreactivity was observed here: in...
8년 전의 '탄핵 경제'를 반복해서는 안 됩니다' Impeachment economy' of 8 years ago shouldn't b 2025.01.14해당카페글 미리보기
for three consecutive months, was also rising, especially in foodstuff, whose raw materials are mostly imported, dampening consumer spending. The possibility of ‘stagflation’ (recession amid rising inflation) is growing as political...
2024년 콘도 분양 시장이 죽은 이유 2025.01.05해당카페글 미리보기
in 2024, contributing to an oversupply in the market. This glut has intensified competition among sellers, further dampening demand for new pre-construction units. CityNews Halifax Decreased Investor Participation: High borrowing costs...
Re: 엘렌 브라운 2024.10.06해당카페글 미리보기
representing 60 multinational corporations with operations in Mexico, expressed their “grave” concerns about the dampening effect the reforms could have on investment in Mexico. The lobbying group’s members include Walmart, AT&T...
대체의학자 임중심, 당신의 DNA가 당신의 운명이 아닌 이유…후생유전학 2024.07.14해당카페글 미리보기
spot on a gene–a process called DNA methylation–it can change the gene’s expression, turning it off or on, dampening it or making it louder. 더 나은 취를 만드는 방법 후생유전학의 말처럼, 적어도 그 메커니즘 중 하나의 화학 작용은 꽤...
음식 알레르기 탐구 Nature review immunology 논문 2024.05.23해당카페글 미리보기
in immunotherapy for venom allergies, IgG4 antibodies may compete with IgE antibodies for food allergens, further dampening the TH2 cell-mediated immune response179,180. The source of these IgG4 antibodies may be regulatory B cells...
Key to solving Korea's chronic corporate undervaluation 경영승계, 기업저평가의 핵심 2024.05.01해당카페글 미리보기
s tax system, along with the consequent disincentives for management change, is, in fact, one of the factors dampening foreign investments here. 우리나라의 세제는 경영 변화에 대한 이에 따른 유인책과 함께 사실 국내 외국인 투자를 위축...
Re: 우울증을 치료하는 장내유익균 대사산물.. 2024.03.01해당카페글 미리보기
of the immune system. There have been reports of 5-HT activating cells of the immune system [56], and of GABA dampening intestinal inflammation [57]. Upon chronic administration of the probiotic B. infantis, naïve rats displayed an...
Year 1 made their very own miniature greenhouse. 2024.02.21해당카페글 미리보기
To kick off their topic on plants, Year 1 made their very own miniature greenhouse By dampening a sheet of kitchen roll with water, placing it inside of a plastic bag and placing some seeds inside of that, they will watch their plants...