카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
#3447 나는 누구인가? - 同意(동의)하지 않는 이유? Why don't you agree? 2024.11.29해당카페글 미리보기
to fight each other. The number of people in Naver's 'Neighbors' changes every day. When it seems to increase, it decreases. The first reason is that we are biased towards our own thoughts and find it annoying. If I think it is not right...
Re: 줄기세포 분화(재생의학) 한약재 탐구 !! 2024.11.26해당카페글 미리보기
from BM was practiced in laboratories globally until recent years but sampling difficulties and age-dependent decreases in the number and differentiation potential of hMSCs led to the search for alternative sources [11]. UC and UCB are...
Pressure pain threshold map of thoracolumbar paraspinal muscles after lengt 2024.11.18해당카페글 미리보기
a heatmap of PPTs 0 (before), 24, and 48 h after LC. Although PPTs in the CTR group remained unchanged over time, decreases in PPTs were observed 24 h after LC. The decreased PPTs recovered 48 h after LC in many points with some points...
전립선 비대로 소변 못볼 때, 충격파 치료.. 2024년 Nature 2024.11.18해당카페글 미리보기
toxin-A injection might be considered. However, it may cause urinary tract infection and urine retention, and its effect decreases over time with the need of repeated injection [10]. Low-intensity shockwave therapy (Li-SWT) is a novel...
가정예배 365-2024년11월19일(화요일) 복음을 모를 때 위선과 행위에 집중한다. 복음추수감사주일 2024.11.19해당카페글 미리보기
But, forget grace of gospel, and Christ when grace that do for me disappears of God realization about is holy decreases, and realization about own crime is decreased. God of if realization about is holy decreases through act of man to...
Ketogenic diet for human diseases. 2022년 nature 2024.11.13해당카페글 미리보기
hemoglobin and poorer blood sugar control.67 Some animal experiments have shown that glucose tolerance decreases in mice that are fed KD for 22 weeks.68 The KD did not prevent the decline in β-cell function, nor did it improve insulin...
혈액-뇌장벽 .. 중요한 의문들.. 2020 영향력지수 12점 논문 2024.11.14해당카페글 미리보기
required for induction also responsible for regulating BBB maintenance in adulthood? Although Wnt signaling decreases in ECs after angiogenesis, this pathway is critical for BBB maintenance; disruption of Wnt signaling in adulthood leads...
The problems of the world. Author: 윤여완[Yoon Yeo-wan]. 2024.11.11해당카페글 미리보기
on the Internet, write a lot of articles, and publish my face. Even if the number of people who impersonate my life decreases a lot due to such scenes, I will continue to publish my face on the Internet, I'm going to continue my one-man...
GT에 대한 조언: 2024.11.08해당카페글 미리보기
bell peppers ... Based on the interaction, some effects can be displayed eg: Feed bell peppers → Favorability decreases Feed chicken legs → Favorability increases Other heroes can appropriately add some interactive gameplay [these can...
Re: 타우린 인체 대부분 질환 치료 '울혈성 심부전' 치료제 일본 승인... 2024.11.08해당카페글 미리보기
for maximal complex I activity and the proper assembly of the complex. Therefore, a reduction in ND6 biosynthesis decreases complex I activity, the utilization of NADH by the respiratory chain and mitochondrial ATP generation but it...