카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
defunct (adj.) "죽은, 사망한, 멸종된, 2024.04.07해당카페글 미리보기
defunct (adj.) "죽은, 사망한, 멸종된," 1590년대, 고대 프랑스어 defunct (14세기, 현대 프랑스어 defunt) 또는 직접적으로 라틴어 defunctus"죽은," 말 그대로 "근무 완료한" defungi"방출하다, 마치다"의 과거 분사 형용사에서 유래하였으며, de...
피팅 라켓 제조에 대해서 2025.02.12해당카페글 미리보기
제 블로그에는 전체 파일을 올려 두었으니 보시고 싶으신 분들은 아래 링크로 가셔서 보시면 됩니다. https://blog.naver.com/defunct/223757648013 표층 소재를 고르고, 중층 소재를 고르고, 각 두께를 정하는 등, 정말 제가 샘플 라켓을 제조하는 것과...
Emboldened by Trump, Serbia’s Leader Cracks Down on Activist Groups 2025.03.12해당카페글 미리보기
for the unrest. Pro-government media in December branded Ms. Stojanovic, her husband, the former head of a long defunct nongovernmental organization, and a third person as a “Black Troika” working with foreigners to destroy the state...
The Great Gatsby 읽기 33 - 90:2 ~ 93:11 2025.03.07해당카페글 미리보기
counterfeit of perfect ease, even of boredom. His head leaned back so far that it rested against the face of a defunct mantelpiece clock and from this position his distraught eyes stared down at Daisy who was sitting frightened but...
신 나치정당 제2당 되다.. 2025.02.24해당카페글 미리보기
to the Financial Times, the party is poised for “its worst defeat since 1887.” The SPD’s partners in the now defunct traffic-light coalition, the Greens,(독일 녹색당은 좌파 정당 아님) were backed by 12% of the voters and the Free...
899. January 29, 2025. Prince Harry 2025.02.14해당카페글 미리보기
despite Duke of Sussex’s vow but that he was the one person who could hold the publishers of The Sun and now the F defunct News needs of the World 현존하지 않는 Count B accountable at trial 책임이 있는 from northly for unlawfully...
269_January 29th_Prince Harry 2025.02.14해당카페글 미리보기
came despite the Duke of Sussex's vow that he was the one person who could hold the publishers of The Sun and now-defunct News of the World accountable at trial for unlawfully snooping on him, other damous figures, average citizens in...
Letters from Frances Longfellow 1841년 7월 18일 2025.02.07해당카페글 미리보기
life & present destiny; her Jewess blood & look, so young, yet having had power to resurrect [p. 6] this long defunct drama, &, what is more, bring it over to London & retain breathless listeners there for a whole season. What a triumph...
구정 설날과 생계 유지에 대한 두려움 Lunar New Year and livelihood fears 2025.01.29해당카페글 미리보기
following the impeachment of President Yoon, the tripartite consultation body for policy coordination has become virtually defunct. Both parties, preoccupied with early presidential election strategies, have prioritized combative...
Eichmann in Jerusalem(1963) - Hannah Arendt 2024.11.27해당카페글 미리보기
today in conjunction with these other essays. Most were published long before Eichmann in publications (some of them now defunct) like Menorah Journal, the New York German-language refugee weekly Aufbau, the Review of Politics, the...