카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
Thursday session 2014.05.17해당카페글 미리보기
changes into ㅋ and ㄷ changes into ㄸ,ㅌ. There is great effort. It is King Sejong's effort. He got a hundred of dicrease because of tihs, Hangul. Also, he was almost being blind, too. I was impressed with his warm heart to his people...
04송미영 입니다^^ 2005.05.23해당카페글 미리보기
in your country if families had only one child? If families had only one child, our country's population would dicrease rapidly. Then we have a lot of problems such as shortage of labors and decline of economic power. In other words, we...
0813 라이팅 2012.08.13해당카페글 미리보기
experience before they go to college. There are couple of reasons to support my opinion. First, nowadays, with the dicrease number of the oportunities to get a job, people are eager to have more and better knowledge than others, and this...
수능 영단어(2회) 2010.05.23해당카페글 미리보기
65. environment 환경 66. destiny 운명 67. handrance 방해 68. property 재산, 소유권 69. increase 증가, 증가하다 70. dicrease 감소, 감소하다 71. courtesy 예절 72. theory 이론 73. medium 매개, 중간의 74. principle 원리, 주의 75. shortcoming...
4 2013.10.21해당카페글 미리보기
떨어졌습니다. 1990년~1995년 사이에 7.5%떨어졌고, 1996년~2002년 사이에는 5% 떨어졌습니다. Only the price of Japan houses decreased a little bit compared with those in 1989, which showed a dicrease of 7.5% in 1990-1995 and 5% in 1996-2002.
해당카페글 미리보기
플래시 본작 포스터+캐릭터 2009.02.28해당카페글 미리보기
core Crimson Joker) 공책에 끄적끄적 낙서하듯 그리던 만화의 주인공이었기도 합니다. 카오스 디크리즈 건프리스트(Chaos Dicrease Gunpriest) 오른쪽은 엑시트(EXIT)의 여체화인 엑시아 아리넨(Exia Arinen) 캐릭이 이것들 말고도 처넣어야할놈들이 더...
짱유화 - 일곱번째 차서 [차과학개론] 05 환경 (생장규율) 2017.02.22해당카페글 미리보기
찻잎이 노화됨에 따라 줄어드는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 EGCG, ECG와 EGC에서 보이는 상호간 증감(增減). increase and dicrease 관계는 찻잎의 어린정도를 살피는데 지표가 되기도 한다. 티 폴리페놀TP 과 카테킨의 합성은 호흡대사의 강도와 밀접한...
Eden 2011.01.24해당카페글 미리보기
coffee has caffeine. The caffeine makes people's health bad. But a little caffenine makes people's memory improve and dicrease of probability of disease of heart. Even storke's occur change can make 20%. Many people think that coffee is...
Re:아카데믹 task2 첨삭부탁드려요~ 2011.06.17해당카페글 미리보기
if people are aware of causes of diseases and how to prevent them, they will try not to get those diseases and dicrease the number of patients. Also, most of diseases come from wrong habits of living or eating such as unbalanced diets or...