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카페글 본문
Re: 장벽 tight junction의 역할, 장누수 2018 nature review 논문... 2025.02.07해당카페글 미리보기
but others form charge-selective and size-selective paracellular channels. The ensemble of expressed claudins dictates the size-selectivity and charge-selectivity of specific sites within tissues. Detailed characterization has...
제국의 종말...신 제국주의 시대 2025.02.10해당카페글 미리보기
Liberty is not about freedom, but the liberty that comes from following Jesus Christ and being liberated from the dictates of secularism. Love is twisted to mean an unquestioned obedience to those, such as Trump, who claim to speak and...
당신의 생각외는 고통이 없습니다 2025.02.04해당카페글 미리보기
from my negative misperceptions (misaligned beliefs) of my experience. It is our interpretations of life’s events that dictates how we feel. An unhappy narrative plus the feelings that flow from it, equals personal suffering. 나는 나...
NVC_25년 01월 29일(수요일) 2장. Communication that blocks Compassion 2025.01.30해당카페글 미리보기
he ran into the street." 다른 사람들의 행동들 - 나는 내 아이를 때렸다. 왜냐하면 그가 찻길로 뛰어 들어서. The dictates of authority - "I lied to the client because the boss told me to." 권위자의 지시 - 나는 고객에게 거짓말을 했다...
공 지 _ 2025년 1월 10일 오후 4시 44분 똥개들 파티의 끝은 2025.01.10해당카페글 미리보기
him. Meanwhile, their sheep continue to ignore the reality that a foreign billionaire owns the entire DNC and dictates their actions and policy. If the average Democrat voter knew who George Soros was, they would never vote blue again...
Contemporary Art Movement [4] Choi Chul-joo's contemporary abstract art mov 2024.12.31해당카페글 미리보기
the black pond intertwined with the fish with other meanings, expresses the meaning of the disappeared pond. This dictates the meaning of symbolic action that characterizes the design, which is a repeated combination of distorted pieces...
평화경 / 平和經 / Pyeong Hwa Gyeong - 144 - 3. 무한한 희생을 통한 수난의 길 극복 2024.12.18해당카페글 미리보기
lives on me and pledge to me their undying loyalty? It is because there is a principle of cause and effect. It dictates that because I gave to Japan, Japan will give back to me. It is because I transcended national boundaries and planted...
【아바 이삭, 시리아인】 Abba Isaac the Syrian, the "Unjustly Accused" Saint (1 of 7) 2024.12.13해당카페글 미리보기
supposed dialogue that aims at reconciling Orthodoxy with error, Orthodoxy with religions, always according to the dictates of the New Age. 불행하게도 책, 정기 간행물, 프로그램, 회의, 위원회를 통해 정교회 땅에 가져온 이 끔찍한 혼란은...
내셔널지오그래픽 작가가 포착한 2024년 올해의 최고 사진 2024.11.26해당카페글 미리보기
a tree that fell years ago on the shrine's tomb, adorned with horns from ibex and sheep, was left in place as custom dictates. 생각을 자극하는 이 이미지는 이스마일 무슬림인 지역 와키족이 유지하고 있는 애니미즘, 조로아스터교, 불교의 풍부...
#3425 나는 누구인가? - 喜悲(희비)의 會者定離(회자정리) 2024.11.08해당카페글 미리보기
shepherd’s house. When you come, you must go, and when you go, you must come. Naturally, the law of yin and yang dictates that those who gather must part, so let's eat breakfast and head straight to the airport. Life in the prehistoric...