카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
Re: phytoestrogen 한약재의 질병치료 효과.. 2025.02.12해당카페글 미리보기
symptoms like hot flushes and osteoporosis. As a result, phytoestrogens are present in a large number of dietary supplements and widely marketed as natural alternatives to oestrogen replacement therapy. In addition, phytoestrogen...
2025년 임상영양내과에서 주로 이용하는 본 원 구독 저널 모음 2025.02.07해당카페글 미리보기
PUB 2016년 ~ 최근 Nutrition and Diabetes ☞ https://www.nature.com/nutd/articles PUB 2011년 ~ 최근 Nutrition and Dietary Supplements ☞ https://www.dovepress.com/nutrition-and-dietary-supplements-journal PUB 2009년 ~ 최근 Nutrition and...
Re: 젖산균(lactic acid bacteria)의 음식발효 2020 nature 2025.02.07해당카페글 미리보기
of cheese (N = 191), multiple fermented foods (N = 58), nunu (N = 20), milk kefir (N = 18), and yoghurt and dietary supplements (N = 16). We applied a validated16,28 computational pipeline that combined single-metagenome assembly, contig...
Re: 활성산소 --> 비타민 E의 항산화 기능 2022년 2025.02.02해당카페글 미리보기
reviewed in [21,22]; hence, it will be only briefly summarized here. Vitamin E in food, but especially in dietary supplements, is often present as an esterified molecule. After hydrolysis by pancreatic and intestinal digestive enzymes...
분비기관 .. 장내유익균 2021 nature ... 2025.01.14해당카페글 미리보기
could potentially fall under include drugs, medical devices or subcategories of foods, such as dietary supplements, infant formulas, foods for special dietary use or medical foods. Safety Postbiotics could reasonably be expected to...
알아야 할 몸안의 미생물 과 박테리아들, 2025.02.11해당카페글 미리보기
are normally found in the digestive, urinary, and genital systems. You can also find them in yogurt and dietary supplements, as well as in suppositories. More than 50 different species of lactobacillus exist, including; - Lactobacillus...
China: Health Food and Dietary Supplements Market Industry Overview 2007.06.20해당카페글 미리보기
China: Health Food and Dietary Supplements Market Industry Overview [번역 : 산업연구원 해외산업정보] - 중국의 급속한 경제성장과 생활 수준의 향상은 건강 식품 산업의 급속한 확산을 불러옴. 특히 2003년 사스의 확산은 폭발적인 건강 식품 시장의...
흔히 '식체' --> 위마비(위배출시간 지연) nature 2025.01.12해당카페글 미리보기
tests have also been validated. A range of treatments have been used for gastroparesis including dietary modifications and nutritional supplements, gastric motor stimulatory or antiemetic medications, endoscopic or surgical procedures...
해외전시회정보/2016 로하스 엑스포/Healthcare : Natural & Organic Products Nutritional Products Dietary Supplements Natural Healing & Therapies Lifest 2016.02.06해당카페글 미리보기
and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC) 전시분야 Healthcare : Natural & Organic Products Nutritional Products Dietary Supplements Natural Healing & Therapies Lifestyle: Eco Livinf Products Green Home Furnishings Energy Saving Home Appliances Eco...
Re: 과민성 장증후군 케이스 리포트 2024.12.17해당카페글 미리보기
assess patients empirically, symptomatically, and in response to specific dietary interventions, lifestyle changes, and dietary supplements. It is not uncommon to see PPI-induced hypochlorhydria in patients on long-term PPIs. The “HCL...