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카페글 본문
당장 탄핵 하고싶은데 뭘해야할지 모르겠어 어떡해??? 2024.07.31해당카페글 미리보기
such a candidate as the Chairman of the Korea Communications Commission is clearly an unlawful act. Second, he disclosed national security secrets to the media. He leaked the location of the underground bunker at the Ministry of Defense...
~WILL BE DISCLOSED~(영어자막, 구글번역) 2023.10.22해당카페글 미리보기
of the injections fatal for humans they promote. What frightens them most is the moment when the fraud will be disclosed and it is already in progress all across the globe and only those deep in dormancy cannot notice this. These...
북한, 핵잠수함 건조 공개 2025.03.11해당카페글 미리보기
but foreign experts doubted the North’s announcement and speculated it was likely a diesel-powered submarine disclosed in 2019. Moon said there has been no confirmation that it has been deployed. North Korea has conducted a slew of...
대형 6세대 전투기는 인도태평양에서는 가치가 있다 2025.03.06해당카페글 미리보기
weapons bay. The development follows American efforts to build a similar capability. In 2020, US officials disclosed that a demonstrator aircraft for the Next-Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) programme was already flying. However, the US...
현직 검사, “대검 즉시항고 포기 근거 공유해달라” 검찰 내부망에 글 The incumbent prosecutor wrote on th 2025.03.11해당카페글 미리보기
that the prosecution's special investigation headquarters for emergency martial law should appeal immediately be disclosed. 박철완 광주고검 검사는 대검의 즉시항고 포기, 비상계엄 특별수사본부의 즉시항고 의견 제시 등을 언급하며 “이러한...