카페검색 본문
테이블글 본문
의 모든 노래 저게 가수 이름임 Idkhow라고 줄여서 불러 Leave me alone Choke 추천
Don't Kill My Vibe - Sigrid (2017/05/10) 2023.06.23
my vibe Oh oh oh ooh ooh Don't break my stride You think you're so important to me, don't you But I wanted you to know that you don't belong here You think you're so important to me, don't you Don't kill my vibe You love to tear me down...
You Can Get It All - Bow Wow (2009/03/30) 2023.06.21
hoo Shawtie you can get it all You can get it all, You can get it I know you heard my reputation You don't think I would...I was in a relationship I would never be true (be true) You think that anything I say is straight gang And to me...
2024년 외국 영화 TOP 10 2025.01.09
22…여운👍 제 77회(2024년) 칸 영화제 황금종려상 수상작 감독: 션 베이커 별점: ★★★★☆ 5. 추락의 해부 “I don't know what you heard about me” 제 76회(2023년) 칸 영화제 황금종려상 수상작 감독: 쥐스틴 트리에 별점: ★★★★☆ 4. 악은 존재...
충격적인 작년 "일면식없는 남성의 여성 살해" 통계 2024.10.02
Statistics of Women Murdered by a Man You Don't Know (in 2023, South Korea) 4일에 1명이 살해당함 Every four days a woman is killed by a man she doesn't know. <이유> 23% 성폭력 시도 13% 여자라서 9% 홧김에 23%: attempted sexual violence...
Wonderwall - Oasis (1995/10/30) 2023.06.20
winding And all the lights that lead us there are blinding There are many things that I would Like to say to you I don't know how Because maybe You're gonna be the one who saves me ? And after all You're my wonderwall Today was gonna be...
See Ya - Atomic Kitten (2001/08/06) 2023.06.20
my boy But now I know its not you BRIDGE 1: Cos you can see me running But your standing still You don't believe that its comming But you know that it will CHORUS: So baby see ya Oh right I wouldn't want to be, yeh To night Let me make...
미드에 많이 나오는 단골표현 (2) : 301~600 2024.03.25
359. 이런 기회가 어디 흔한가요? Opportunities like this don't come often. 360. 이제야 제 말을 알아듣는군요. Now you know where I'm coming from. 361. 참 많은 일을 겪으셨네요. You've come a long way. 362. 부디 참석하셔서 자리를 빛내 주세요...
미드에 많이 나오는 단골표현 (1) : 1~300 2024.03.25
어때. Who cares! 291. 저는 그런 것에 신경 쓰지 않아요. I don't care about them. 292. 특별히 좋아하는 음식이라도 있나요...혹시 어느 서점에 가면 있을지 아세요? Do you happen to know which other bookstore may carry it? 295. 네 꿈을 빨리...
르세라핌 컨셉인 언더독 독기 가사 모음 2024.03.22
I don’t give you what you need https://youtu.be/rT-cOsDpqZ4?si=FUhyx56En-7SuA8r 어디 한번 날 부숴봐 그러면 날 추락시켜봐 몇 번이고 다시 나는 다시 살아나 https://youtu.be/T-BP9jJQvE8?si=Pf-ORUr_hRX9f7Im 가시밭길 위로 riding you made me...