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카페글 본문
Day off! 2024.11.22해당카페글 미리보기
to see you in person for even longer, so Day off news took the cake. Love the poster. The look in your eyes, doodling, the turquoise colour, your Hoodie, everything. Superb! Wish you lot of sucess in everything and anything you do. A...
24-09 Let It Be(그냥 두라) 2024.10.14해당카페글 미리보기
out a couple of its sharp teeth, like you do when you doodle. And I put, okay, in those days, this is what you did with doodling. I put a cigarette in its mouth. I put a scarf around its necklace of skulls. And it looked so stupid. Like...
day243🎨 2024.10.02해당카페글 미리보기
241001 hii kevin ✨🌻 i’ve spent around an hour doodling on my pics to be posted in my ig feed ㅋㅋ i get too immersed in editing that i didnt realised it’s already past 2am lol looking at juyeon & chanhee’s pfw posts makes me so...
[5편] 2024년6월8일 토요일 서해랑길 62코스를 다녀와서! 2024.06.13해당카페글 미리보기
피하는 것이 좋다. [참고자료] - 수협중앙회 - 생물산책 / 권오길 / 2010 - 쿡쿡tv - 위키패드 - 굴소년 이야기 2018 우리 농산물 공모전 입선작 - 굴(홍휘 作 https://www.grafolio.com/doodling) 굴 (우수 식재료 디렉토리) 2024-06-13 작성자 청해명파
어드밴스드 클래스..2024.5.1 2024.05.01해당카페글 미리보기
오늘은 지난 강의에서 배운 두들링(Doodling.doodles..낙서)기법. 그야말로 물감과 붓으로 낙서처럼 그리기. 특정 대상을 생각하지 말고 붓가는대로 선도 그리고 셰잎도그리고. 젖은 종이위에도 하고 마른 종이위에도.묽은 물감. 진한물감도 사용하고...
SEASAC Arts Festival featured "Testers" and "Masters" workshops. 2024.02.08해당카페글 미리보기
and help us develop as artists. These workshops included expressive mark-making, light painting, watercolor layers, doodling, theater, and dance improvisation. "Masters" workshops provided students with a space to explore an aspect of an...
24.2.1 Perimenopause Problems: How Changing Hormones Exacerbate ADHD Sympto 2024.01.26해당카페글 미리보기
to say? Do you hate the prep or follow-up involved? > If you get distracted on the phone, playing with fidgets and doodling on a piece of paper can keep you focused. I stayed focused on lectures in college by doodling in the margins of...
From doodling to iconic cartoonist: comic book author reminisces 50 years of illustrations 2013.09.28해당카페글 미리보기
From doodling to iconic cartoonist: comic book author reminisces 50 years of illustrations As a kid, cartoonist and scholar Rhie Won-bok spent most of his time doodling alone. “In the 1950s, you only had two choices as a kid,” Rhie...
Repton has something for everyone as our ECAs begin again this week. 2023.09.09해당카페글 미리보기
From netball thrills to robotics skills, doodling satisfaction and table tennis action, Repton has something for everyone as our ECAs begin again this week. Let the fun begin! 이번주부터 방과후 수업이 시작되었습니다.. 학생들은 넷볼...
성을 그리는 여유로운 게임 "타이니 글레이드" - FGS 트레일러 2023.08.24해당카페글 미리보기
store.steampowered.com/app/2198150/Tiny_Glade/ Tiny Glade on Steam Tiny Glade is a small relaxing game about doodling castles. Explore gridless building chemistry, and watch the game carefully assemble every brick, pebble and plank...