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카페글 본문
하나님의 이스라엘에 대한 지속적인 사랑God's Enduring Love for Israel 2 2025.02.13해당카페글 미리보기
하나님의 이스라엘에 대한 지속적인 사랑God's Enduring Love for Israel 2 샬롬! 하나님을 믿고 그분의 아들 예수님을 믿는 우리는 다양한 믿음을 갖고 삽니다. 큰 믿음도 있고 작은 믿음도 있고 오늘 예수님을 믿는 어린아이와 같은 믿음도 있고 오랜...
Real Change, Enduring Change, Happens One Step at a time 2024.05.09해당카페글 미리보기
by Lisa Kozak in Ohio, USA 🇺🇸 Through the content of the post above, I would like to explain "Real Change and Enduring Change" in three parts as follows. Part - 1 ■ Real Change and Enduring Change The phrase "Real Change, Enduring...
The Enduring Mystery of How Water Freezes 2024.06.23해당카페글 미리보기
The Enduring Mystery of How Water Freezes Making ice requires more than subzero temperatures. The unpredictable process takes microscopic scaffolding, random jiggling and often a little bit of bacteria. New simulations indicate that ice...
[성가악보] His Enduring Mercy / Give thanks to the Lord [Tom Fettke] 2024.02.28해당카페글 미리보기
[성가악보] His Enduring Mercy / Give thanks to the Lord 작사 : Linda Lee Johnson (1947~) / (시편 136편) 작곡 : Tom Fettke 원제 : His Enduring Mercy (and Everlasting Love) 출처 : Words Music His Enduring Mercy(Tom Fettke-파트).nwc His...
Enduring allure of literature 2024.04.29해당카페글 미리보기
Enduring allure of literature By Lee Hyon-soo I spent most of my adult life in Canada, working as a banker. As I had a 9 to 5 job and casual after-work social gatherings were not customary in Canada, I had plenty of time at home, and my...
3.21.24 | Enduring in Great Conflict │ Hebrews 10:32 | Pastor Jim Cymbala 2024.03.21해당카페글 미리보기
3.21.24 | Enduring in Great Conflict │ Hebrews 10:32 | Pastor Jim Cymbala Are you going through [something hard] and the enemy or some carnal Christian says, “What’s wrong with you? Look, if you aren’t getting well, there must be sin...
불후의 명곡(enduring classics) 2024.02.18해당카페글 미리보기
아니 불 不 썩을 후 朽 = 썩지 않는다. 영원토록 변치 않음을 비유적으로 표현한 단어입니다. 썩지 아니함 어떤 것의 가치나 의의가 언제까지나 길이 전하여 없어지지 않음 불후의 명곡은 영원토록 변치 않는 명곡이라는 비유적 의미를 가지고 있습니다...
Gilbert Bernhardt (독일 화가), <Enduring Woman> 2024.01.21해당카페글 미리보기
• Gilbert Bernhardt (독일 화가), , 2012, 캔버스에 아크릴릭, 16 x 20 inches.
해당카페글 미리보기
Divine Principle - 2) Moses and Jesus in the Providence of Restoration - 3 2025.02.15해당카페글 미리보기
had assumed just after he had laid the foundation of faith for the second national course to restore Canaan by enduring a forty-year exile in the wilderness of Midian. God conducted the dispensation to start the second national course to...