카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
持經功德分 第十五 박철용님 2017.08.15해당카페글 미리보기
of meritunlimited and inconceivable. 如是人等은 則爲荷擔如來阿耨多羅三藐三菩提이니 In every case such an one will examplify the Tathagata-Consummation of theIncomparable Enlightenment. 何以故오 須菩提야 若樂所法者는 着我見人見衆生見壽者...
학생 V 첨삭 by 김민규 2011.06.02해당카페글 미리보기
to get information without critical thinking, which can have negative influences on the balanced views. To examplify, I did not know what is right and wrong about most political and social issues. One day, i was really curious about the...
Re:Adopting English as an official langugae in Korea 2000.06.14해당카페글 미리보기
language, it might cause another division of Korea followed by geographical division. Here is one example good to examplify. It is estimated that roughly 20% of Philippinos are habitual users of English so they can break the ties of...
Re:저도 첨삭과 예상 점수 부탁 드립니다. 2009.09.25해당카페글 미리보기
ingeniously. Even though women are not making coffee anymore, only men usually deal with main projects. To examplify what I mean, a CEO's secretaries, a male one does major practice like attending meetings, conveying important documents...
비상학원 텝스 900반 - 텝스 어휘 정리본 4회 2010.02.19해당카페글 미리보기
비상학원 텝스 900반 - 텝스 어휘 정리본 4회 일요일날 셤 본다^^ 경고: 오리걸음, 악어걸음 155. opt 선택하다 156. examplify 예시하다 157. stark 적나라한, 뚜렷한, 순전한, 순수한 158. encumber 방해하다 159. siege 포위 공격, 집요한 설득 160...
Relationship between countreis 2012.04.21해당카페글 미리보기
that are to be concerned such as treaties, wars, sanctions, trade diplomatic presure and so forth. I want to examplify with south korea which is now well-known to the world. I still remember when i was in korea year 2002, i t was period...
Re:Zen and the Art of inverting Orientalism:religious studies and genealogical networks 2005.07.08해당카페글 미리보기
By using and extending their insightful observations and discussions this article intends to further underline and examplify this traffic of ideas and persons behind the interesting relationship between the East and the West, between...
편입 2회 이상 기출 어휘 총정리 2004.02.06해당카페글 미리보기
고려95, 성심95) entail 수반하다, ~를 필요로 하다(involve, 외국어93/동덕94) epitomize 요약하다, ~의 전형이 되다 (examplify, 국민98/숙명98) exaggeration 과장(overstatement, 경기92, 반의어-understatement, 성균관96) ferocious 사나운(fierce...
왕두목어휘 2001.09.16해당카페글 미리보기
수수께끼 ( puzzle ) ⊙ entail 수반하다, ∼를 필요로 하다 ( involve ) ⊙ epitomize 요약하다, ∼의 전형이 되다 ( examplify ) ⊙ epoch 시대 ( long period of time ) ⊙ equivocally 애매(모호)하게 ( ambiguously ) ⊙ eradicate 근절하다 ( wipe...
essay example Number 127 : written by 이경선 2006.08.10해당카페글 미리보기
change the atmosphere. It helps CO2 transfer into O2. O2 is regarded as the most important factor to breathe. To examplify what I mean, there are the forests called "A lung of the Earth" in Brazil. Those forests , Amazone , have...