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카페글 본문
일본이 독도에 오지 못한 이유! 독도 이것이 핵심이다! (feats. 호사카 유지 교수) 2023.09.10해당카페글 미리보기
2025년 올해의 수중 사진작가 공모전 수상작 발표 2025.03.02해당카페글 미리보기
a breathing exercise. Artistic swimmers have an incredible lung capacity and they are able to perform these unusual feats such as standing on the bottom of the pool, effortlessly." # © James Rokop / UPY2025 워터 젠. 흑백사진 부문 준...
과학에 근거해 세계에서 가장 아름다운 일몰 명소의 순위 2025.02.19해당카페글 미리보기
INDIA - SUNSET SCORE 74.8: Located in the city of Agra, the Taj Mahal is 'considered one of the most impressive feats of engineering of all time', note the researchers. They add: 'Many visit it at dawn to watch the sun rise over the...
논어집주(論語集注) - 7 - 술이(述而) - ⑳ - 子不語怪力亂神 2025.01.12해당카페글 미리보기
않으셨다. 4 子、怪・力・乱・神を語らず。 5 The subjects on which the Master did not talk, were extraordinary things, feats of strength, disorder, and spiritual beings. 논어집주(論語集注) - 7 - 술이(述而) - ⑳ 1 子不語怪力亂神 공자께서는...
Constructing Empowering Relationship 2025.01.11해당카페글 미리보기
and determine the course of action. Social workers who seek to empower rather than to dazzle client systems restrain themselves from trying to solve clients’ problems immediately, pontificate as experts, or perform extraordinary feats...
[ROS] AntiqueSUV_PaulJr 2024.12.02해당카페글 미리보기
of this victorious vehicle, knew all along he’d win. The vehicle he represents has quietly performed astounding feats of strength and endurance for years. Other drivers have taken it through the Rocky Mountains. A Texan named Van...
Every Encounter is a Teacher and a Challenge: Growth and Awakening in Life 2024.11.10해당카페글 미리보기
as if they are the ultimate truths. It’s akin to the tale of Sun Wukong (the Monkey King), who, despite all his feats, was always within the Buddha’s palm. In a sense, Sun Wukong’s boundless energy was confined by his ignorance of his...
말씀의 실재 2024년10월07일 ㅡ펌ㅡ 2024.10.07해당카페글 미리보기
are undoubtedly impressive, but there’s more to life than these. We know that despite accomplishing amazing feats, many still find themselves grappling with an underlying sense of emptiness; they create things to make life easier...
‘친일’ 논쟁거리 삼고, ‘위안부’ 축소한 새 역사교과서···“이 출판사(한국학력평가원) 정체 뭐냐”Gov't approves new 2024.08.31해당카페글 미리보기
45 colonial rule. Rhee has long been at the center of controversy due to differing evaluations on his flaws and feats. Some view him as the national founder of the South Korean government in the chaos after the country's liberation...
사진으로 보는 2024년 파리 올림픽 폐막식: 헐리우드의 기쁨과 감동 2024.08.12해당카페글 미리보기
20년 동안 무용과 연극을 위한 음악 창작에 전념한 그는 이제 자신의 솔로 활동에 집중하고 있다. 4. The athletic feats continue as performers climb a giant wheel. # Jean Catuffe/Getty Images 연주자들이 거대한 바퀴를 오르는 동안 운동의 위업은...