카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
혈액성분제제 및 fibrinogen 검사 횟수에 대하여 2007.10.16해당카페글 미리보기
hepatic candidasis Progress & 간호기록) 2.20 입원 2.22 GI bleeding으로 therapeutic NPO state BT 37.7℃, febrile sense, chilling sense 없음. Diarrhea(-) 2/20에 시행한 blood, urine culture상 동정되는 미생물 없음. ANC 445-990 dyspnea mild...
[논문] 감기와 플루(Common cold and Flu) 2022.07.10해당카페글 미리보기
a sense of feeling cold due to an unexpected sudden change in the temperature from high to low. Here, coldness does not mean an absolute extremely low temperature routinely experienced in both arctic areas year-round. Therefore, although...
Selected Office Based Anticancer Treatment Strategies - 최신 식이요법 암치료법 2020.02.10해당카페글 미리보기
significant febrile illness (as a sort of internal hyperthermia) could put a cancer into remission did not go away and research began to investigate the use of self-limiting viral infections as a way of conquering cancer. There have been...
trudge 2020.02.06해당카페글 미리보기
seemed febrile. I knew from my childhood that Northumbrians share a wariness of authority and an aversion to pomposity. Know-alls from the city are often the butt of jokes up here. But their scepticism always seemed good-humoured to me...
epilepsy in childhood--- 건국대학교 KU-TESOL자격증과정 : Practicum for Regular English 입학생 모집 www.cuckorea.com 2009.07.10해당카페글 미리보기
of febrile convulsions, it is not surprising that a high percentage are complicated by atypical petit mal and atonic and astatic spells followed by tonic seizures, mental retardation, and psychomotor epilepsy (Lennox-Gastaut syndrome...
Chinese Experts See U.S.-DPRK Antagonism as Root Cause of Nuke Test 2013.02.18해당카페글 미리보기
strong sense of crisis if it was not offered a safe international environment and an open international economic policy. “The current situation in Northeast Asia is imbalanced, with South Korea and Japan sheltered under the U.S. nuclear...
A Transfixed World Waits to See What's Next in America 2020.11.05해당카페글 미리보기
make sense of images of stores boarded up against potential violence. When Trump appeared at the White House around 2 a.m. in Washington and prematurely declared that he had won, warning that he would go to the Supreme Court to try to...
93: Synchrony 2009.03.15해당카페글 미리보기
having febrile siezures. (Yanechi continues to groan loudly and convulse. His skin shows signs of blistering.) DOCTOR: This can't be right. He's burning up. Hold him down! Hold him down! (Yonechi bursts into flames and thrashes about on...
UK riots: Staring into 'the abyss of anarchy' 2011.08.17해당카페글 미리보기
those febrile hours, gunfire didn't seem impossible. Thugs in balaclavas patrolled the streets, menacing anyone that they saw as they helped themselves to televisions, alcohol and cash from local businesses. As we beamed the pictures...
SAT 빈출어휘 정리 모음 2020.10.08해당카페글 미리보기
808. febrile: feverish. 809. feckless: ineffective; weak; worthless. 810. fecund: fruitful; prolific. 811. Feign pretend 812. Felicities suitable or happy things 813. Felicitous apt, suitable, fortunate 814. felicitous: apt; also...