카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
Cross the river of forgetfulness 2024.04.04해당카페글 미리보기
Cross the river of forgetfulness 그대 복숭아 꽃 피고지고 아기 진달래 꽃 울긋불긋 새단장 꽃대궐 꾸며가는 봄맞이 하는 그대 고향 태어난 그곳 기억이나 하는가 지금 지구 어디쯤에서 또 하루 보내고 계신가 하늘 흰구름 흘러가는 저 높은 하늘 아래...
天聖經(增) - 132. 노년에 오는 건망증 / 健忘症 / Forgetfulness is natural in the elderly 2023.12.29해당카페글 미리보기
として、愛の対象者と食べる ものを恋しく思うのです。これは、創造原則による本能的な欲求なので、不可避なものです。 Forgetfulness is natural in the elderly 8 You should not ignore your mother and father when they become forgetful. You should...
내면의 마음 / 靑山 손병흥 2025.03.09해당카페글 미리보기
different and different a calm act that will be free to do without hesitation With the mark of vain greed and forgetfulness an underlying presence that is free from anguish and hunger Undaunted by trials, control your mind...
PART 2 // chapter 3-1 2025.01.27해당카페글 미리보기
to get up, would have run away, but someone always prevented him by force, and he sank back into impotence and forgetfulness. At last he returned to complete consciousness. It happened at ten o’clock in the morning. On fine days the sun...
건망증 / 이해인 2024.12.29해당카페글 미리보기
고쳐 먹기로 한다 이 세상 떠날 때도 잊고 갈 것 두고 갈 것 너무 많을 테니 미리 작은 죽음을 연습했다고 치지 뭐 Forgetfulness written by / Hae-in Lee tranaslated into English by chodong What I was going to say What I was going to write I...
대장장이 딸 [번역판] (전자책) 2024.12.15해당카페글 미리보기
38. 장다리 꽃밭 나비들 Butterflies in Cabbage and Radish Flower Fields 39. 늦더위 Late Summer Heat 40. 건망증 Forgetfulness 제3부 Part 3 41. 자물쇠 Lock 42. 가난한 그늘 Poor Shade 43. funny bone Funny Bone 44. 이것! This One! 45. 오래된...
Eichmann in Jerusalem(1963) - Hannah Arendt 2024.11.27해당카페글 미리보기
word Gedankenlosigkeit, which in English didn’t mean what it means in German. In English “thoughtlessness” means forgetfulness or neglect. “Inability to think,” McCarthy suggested, would have been better. 8 The New York Review...
[ROS] AmazingMemoryPaulJr. 2024.12.02해당카페글 미리보기
only to see the numbers hovering over the embers. So imperfect memory is a blessing as well. Something Keats called forgetfulness divined. Because S. B. Shereshevsky could remember anything. Problem was there was nothing he could forget...
데일 브레드슨 '치매 치료' 논문 다시 읽기!! 2024.11.04해당카페글 미리보기
관찰된 것 이상의 개선이라고 지적했습니다. Patient 3 A woman late in her fifth decade began to note episodes of forgetfulness, such as returning home from shopping without the items she had purchased. She also placed household items in...
칠레 누에바 깐시온 - 가장 민중적이며 가장 현재적인 음악 - 08 2024.10.10해당카페글 미리보기
He took with him on the boat The long time lived The furrow is erased in the sea And there will be no pleasure nor forgetfulness If he left with the changeable sea Along that sunken path 변덕스러운 바다 그리고 밤은 어둡다 애도의 표시같아...