카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
참父母經 / Chambumo Gyeong - 539. 세계평화통일가정연합 창립 배경과 의의 2024.11.28해당카페글 미리보기
that I swallow young people whole, without a care. So I postponed making the Family Federation. Now I can speak forthrightly because the world is able to believe and understand me. The Family Federation is the vehicle through which I...
己未獨立宣言書(기미독립선언서) 2019.05.08해당카페글 미리보기
in the spirit of liberty, never in the spirit of enmity. 2. To the last person and to the last moment, we will forthrightly express the righteous will of the Korean people. 3. We will respect order in all our actions and ensure that our...
Topics for Saturday Meeting(19th/November) 2005.11.18해당카페글 미리보기
been riding high on his calls for a radical break with Chirac's statist policies and on a reputation for speaking forthrightly about France's problems -- including the grim conditions of the immigrant townships. But Sarkozy's...
silence when thought is needed. 6. Communication skills. Mirror the style and pace of your interviewer. Answer forthrightly and credibly, and stop when you have answered the question; don't over-elaborate with details and anecdote; don't...
11월 4일 Topic 입니다 ^-^ 2010.10.31해당카페글 미리보기
Stress!! Many of us think that we always suffer from stress, but we even don’t know what exactly stress is? Forthrightly, there is no one who doesn’t suffer from stress and people do enjoy stress because it makes life exhilarating and...
1619 프로젝.. 2022.02.21해당카페글 미리보기
The exposure of the 1619 Project by the WSWS, and by leading historians it interviewed, has never been met forthrightly by the Times. Instead, Hannah-Jones, the Project’s journalist-celebrity “creator,” egged on race-baiting and red...
우크라인 전쟁이후의 국민국가는 어떤 모습일까?? 2022.04.22해당카페글 미리보기
위대함이란 그가 죽은지 200년이 지낫지만 여전히 그의 자본주의에 대한 통찰은 유용하다는 것이지요......) He states forthrightly that what interests him and many others whether we can find the ‘appropriate forms’ for the democratic process...
8/31topic: The Iranian Threat(질문 포함) 2010.08.26해당카페글 미리보기
would impede Western interests in competing with China for Iran's resources. Once again, Washington acted forthrightly to ensure that others would not interfere with U.S. control of the region. Not surprisingly, Turkey (along with Brazil...
How to Cose to Catastrophe(1) 2011.11.28해당카페글 미리보기
더 우울한 예측임을 시인한다. It should be approached somewhat skeptically, {for Lovelock has been (as he has always forthrightly admitted) wrong before in his immediate reactions}. 그것은 다소 회의적으로 접근되어야만 한다, 왜냐하면 러블...
미국 펜다곤 국방장관실 인터뷰 - 북한을 선제공격할 타이밍인가? 몇일안에 끝난다!! 2013.04.17해당카페글 미리보기
일판 기명 논평란에 ‘너무 늦기 전에 북한을 폭격하라’라는 제목으로 실렸다. “President Obama should state clearly and forthrightly that this is an act of self-defense in response to explicit threats from North Korea and clear evidence of...