카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
frigid 추운, 냉담한; 성적으로 무감각한 2024.01.22해당카페글 미리보기
frigid의 어원frigid (adj.) 1620년대, "매우 추운," 라틴어 frigidus에서 유래하였습니다. frigidus는 "추운, 찬기운이 도는, 서늘한," 또 비유적으로 "무관심한"이라는 뜻이며 "단조롭다, 따분하다, 하찮다"는 의미도 가집니다. 이는 frigere라는 어근...
30 Hours in a Hurricane, on a Race With No Course 2025.03.13해당카페글 미리보기
chilled. About 200 other competitors and I were using one another for shelter and doing jumping jacks, while the frigid gale bowled metal chairs across the plaza of Snowshoe Mountain resort. This was actually the best weather we were...
GRE 영단어/중국어 주제별 (1) 2025.03.14해당카페글 미리보기
his coat and sat down again. 译 怀特环视了一下这个阴森森的房间,脱下外套又重新坐了下来。 释 a. 寒冷的;阴沉的(cold; frigid);阴郁的,暗淡的(depressing) blizzard ['blizəd ] 释 n. 暴风雪(a severe snowstorm) bluster ['blʌstə ] The...
Chapter 19 (Part 2) 2025.03.03해당카페글 미리보기
and in her feet distorted, With hands dissevered and of sallow hue. I looked at her; and as the sun restores The frigid members which the night benumbs, Even thus my gaze did render voluble Her tongue, and made her all erect thereafter...
Divine Principle - 6) The Second Advent - Section 3 2025.02.19해당카페글 미리보기
to a tropical civilization; in autumn, to a cool-zone civilization; and it should have reached its culmination in a frigid-zone civilization analogous to the winter season. However, due to the Fall, human beings were degraded to the...
Letters from Frances Longfellow//런던. 1841년 5월 29일. 2025.02.23해당카페글 미리보기
brimming over with civility as the English are whenever they do know you. Our manner to each other must seem very frigid & indifferent to them, for I am constantly startled by the warmth with which they grasp my hand & the impressment of...
하나님은 사랑으로 산 자와 죽은 자 모두에게 다가가십니다 2025.02.18해당카페글 미리보기
응답에 중심 잡혀 있음으로써 폭풍우 같은 반발을 그침의 중요성이 강조되어 왔습니다". Right Conditions. "As long as there is frigid weather, as long as winter storms are blowing, the things of God cannot take form in the expression of life...
One Week Ago 2025.01.08해당카페글 미리보기
in Seoul in so many ways. When I held up those signs at the end of our two days together little did I know that the frigid cold days of January would have us firmly in its grip in all places near and dear—But it is Seok woo’s promise...
밤별오라버니 좋은아침입니다 2024.11.25해당카페글 미리보기
이제는 겨울의 시작이네요 깜깜해서 인나기도 시르고 나가기도 시르고 굴속에 들어가 잠만 자고 싶네요 그래도 힘내야지용 Spectral Wound - Frigid and Spellbound 밤별오라버니 - 라이브
지하 온실에서 일년내내 food를 키우세요. 2024.12.10해당카페글 미리보기
humidity buildup, which could lead to mold or mildew. In regions with extreme climates, such as arid deserts or frigid tundras, underground greenhouses offer a lifeline for agricultural sustainability. By creating a controlled...