카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
[Korea Edition] Seorak's Generousness 2006.05.05해당카페글 미리보기
반응이 괜찮은것 같아 몇개 더 만들어봤습니다 ^^ 이번 컨셉은 "설악산" 입니다. 카드설명. Seorak's Generousness - "설악의 관대함" 이란 이름입니다. 역시 "Seorak"도 고유명사로 있습니다. GGGGG - 엄청난 Casting cost. 확실히 이건 only Green으로...
Learn from students 2009.03.31해당카페글 미리보기
It's about the last one I wrote below seeking advise dealing with unpleasant people. She made me think of generousness. Rather than hate someone, she advised me to feel pity on them. Reading her advice, I should tell you here that my...
공자님 말씀 2005.12.13해당카페글 미리보기
when you let him answer a sudden question, 5. See trust when you have a urgent appointment with him, 6. See generousness when you let him look after wealth, 7. See fidelity when you let him be informed of critical news, 8. See conduct...
vocabulary (실전TOEFL 독해 p35~48) 2003.12.10해당카페글 미리보기
concordance, consonance, tune; CONSISTENCY 3 concord, rapport, unity 4 SYMMETRY, balance, proportion generosity. generousness astonishment. amazement, astoundment, awe, bewilderment, confusion, consternation, dumbfoundment, shock...
Re:Re:김준회 독립형 : Is it true that today's people have more sensibility than those of the past? 2020.06.23해당카페글 미리보기
on becoming a person who has a wide-heartedness. So, it’s been argued whether today’s people are more sensitive in generousness than those of the past. Some might say that in the past few decades, people were in a severer condition of...
20160114_변희수_(365) 2016.01.14해당카페글 미리보기
phone. I just gave up my cell phone, so I borrow dorothy’s phone. Thank you, Dorothy. I’ll never forget your generousness. Anyway, I get through all steps and filled information complete, finally I could get coupon to get free lens...
Beginning Insight Meditation 2006.06.16해당카페글 미리보기
and thought, as are characterized as greedy, selfish, hateful, hostile, hurtful? As opposed to such qualities as generousness, selflessness, lovingness, kindliness, helpfulness? Do you not see that the Buddha is telling us to look behind...
[야망의 슬리데린] 루퍼트 인터뷰 2003.05.08해당카페글 미리보기
credits include The Secret Garden and Madeline. 'Ron is kind and thoughtful and slightly insecure, and has a generousness of spirit that I also see in Rupert. There are no short cuts with children. You have to see as many as possible...
감사는 행복의 문을 여는 열쇠이고 희망을 끌어오는 통로이다. 2017.10.14해당카페글 미리보기
는 라틴어 gratia(호의)와 gratus(기쁘게 함)에서 유래되었는데, 이 라틴어에서 파생된 영어 단어들은 kindness, generousness, gifts 등으로 아무 대가없이 무엇인가를 얻는 것을 의미한다. 협의적 의미로써 감사는 어떤 혜택으로 유발된 정서로써 자신...
불곡고2 중간고사 어휘 4월 3일(월)까지 2017.03.30해당카페글 미리보기
3)잠재력 (명) 36.deal with : 다루다, 처리하다 = cope with 37.stubbornness[스따번네스] 고집불통, 완강 (명) ↔ generousness [제너러스네스] 관대함 4번 38.pick a quick basket of : 한 바구니를 재빨리 따다 39.raspberry [레~스 베어리]나무딸기...