카페검색 본문
테이블글 본문
Comeback To Me 2024.05.19
comeback to me as your sound dancing into mine driving away the noise of this world and i see you comeback to me as good as always as perfect in time & moment as sweet as i sip my vitamins you comeback to make me live again #forRPWP💜 #RM
[24.04.26.] 에스펜 에릭센 트리오 2024 투어 (대구) 2024.04.16
인터파크 티켓 tickets.interpark.com 티켓링크 (ticketlink.co.kr) [티켓링크] 에스펜 에릭센 트리오 2024 투어 (대구) As Good As It Gets www.ticketlink.co.kr 대구문화발전소 http://cafe.daum.net/dg-cultural 다음카페 대구문화발전소 https://band...
미드에 많이 나오는 단골표현 (2) : 301~600 2024.03.25
fortune. 379. 배보다 배꼽이 더 크다. The postage costs more than the goods. 380. 비싼 만큼 그 값을 하는군요. It's as good as it costs. 381. 엄청나게 비쌀 거예요. It will cost you an arm and a leg. 382. 감지덕지해야죠. We should count our...
미드에 많이 나오는 단골표현 (1) : 1~300 2024.03.25
just around the corner. 052. 뭐도 약에 쓰려면 없다니까. It's never around when you need it. 053. 감쪽같아요. It's as good as new. 054. 굉장히 기뻐하더군. She was as pleased as punch. 055. 그 여잔 칼 같다니까! She is as sharp as a razor...
제이홉 🐿️ 2025.02.08
J-hope, I wish you a good luck in your global tour, I will support you from afar as usual 🥹❤️🩹🫂💜
니퍼트 2024.09.15
It was really a nightmare name as a Samsung fan. It could be proof that he was so good. Good job. 양의지 또 울었다…니퍼트 끝내 등판 불발, 눈물의 은퇴식 "둘이 함께 전력분석할 때가…" [스포티비뉴스=잠실, 윤욱재 기자] 두산과 KT의 경기가...
센느강에서 국기 흔들다 결혼반지 빠트린 이탈리아 국가대표 2024.08.01
to raise the Italian flag as high as possible during the opening ceremony of the world's most important sporting event...and marry again, just like you've always asked. I love you, my love. May this be a good omen for coming home with an...
german meatballs 2024.04.09
mixer as the meatballs often become tough! Squeeze out the bread roll mixture very well, either with your hands or between two boards, add it to the minced mixture and mix well again. Up to this point, these steps should take at least 10...
Sk8er Boi - Avril Lavigne (2002/06/04) 2023.06.20
He wanted her She'd never tell Secretly she wanted him as well But all of her friends Stuck up their nose They had a...a skater boy She said, "See you later, boy" He wasn't good enough for her She had a pretty face But her head was up in...