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10월 17일 '오늘은 세계 심폐소생술의 날' 2024.10.17해당카페글 미리보기
세계 심패 www.newsis.com 여기서 잠깐 ! 심정지 VS 심장마비에 대해 짧게 알아보고 가겠습니다. ☞ CARDIAC ARREST(심정지) VS. HEART ATTACK(심장마비) - 심정지란? 심장이 오작동하여 예기치 않게 박동을 멈출 때 발생. '전기적 문제' - 심장마비란...
What Repeat COVID Infections Do to Your Body, According to Science 2024.09.26해당카페글 미리보기
Rid of a Deep, Painful Cystic Pimple By Jenna Ryu I Thought I Just Had the Flu. Then I Went Into Cardiac Arrest Heart Failure I Thought I Just Had the Flu. Then I Went Into Cardiac Arrest By Katie Camero LASIK Horror Stories Are All Over...
Re: 히스타민 중독증 탐구.. 오래된 고등어먹고 탈나는 식중독 2024.05.21해당카페글 미리보기
6–8 ng/mL lowers blood pressure; 7–12 ng/mL induces bronchospasm, and concentration over 100 ng/mL leads to heart arrest [21]. To evaluate the mean histamine concentration in fish that leads to poisoning in 2017, Columbo et al...
● 배푸는 마음 행복(幸福)한 마음.(A hungry heart, a happy heart full of happiness.) ● 2023.02.24해당카페글 미리보기
to confront anyone.) 진정 강해지려면 어디에도 구속(拘束, arrest)받지 않는 자유인(自由人, a free man)이 되려면 마음을...be a free man who is nowhere to be bound, open your heart and lower yourself endlessly.) 낮은 것이 높은 것이고 열린...
지수 오빠, this is a warrant of arrest for stealing my heart. 2020.05.20해당카페글 미리보기
Jisuuu~ How was your day? I've heard that you've been busy lately. Are you filming something? Please rest 😔 knowing that you are still working until this hour makes me sad and worry a looooot to you. I forgot how many letters that i send...
Heart attack에 관한 개인적인 의견. 2017.04.09해당카페글 미리보기
적어보겟습니다. 구급분야(구조사,간호사)분들의 조언 부탁드리겟습니다 1. 지문에서의 Heart attack = cardiac arrest 라고는 생각하지 않습니다. 만약 cardiac arrest였다면 적어도 의식확인-신고-흉부압박의 순서로 지문이 주어졌을 것으로 생각됩니다...
News 11. More Young People Dying of Cardiac Arrest 2002.10.22해당카페글 미리보기
a year. John McKenzie reports tonight on why this is potentially, an even bigger problem. A sudden cardiac arrest, the heart unable to pump, doctors have only minutes to restart it. "We are talking about young adults who have no symptoms...
Someone must arrest MONSTA X 2021.02.13해당카페글 미리보기
You are under arrest for stealing MONBEBE's heart!!! You need to face the consequences MONSTA X This is not right, okay? How can you steal our hearts without notice 😭 Yes, Kihyun this is not the time to be hot and sexy! You making my...
사상 최초의 스파이크 디톡스 프로토콜이 미국 의학 저널에 등장: 2023.11.30해당카페글 미리보기
Four Deadly Ways COVID Vaccines KiII: Insights from Dr. Peter McCullough #1 - Cardiovascular: heart inflammation, myocarditis, cardiac arrest. #2 - Neurologic: All forms of stroke, Guillain–Barré syndrome, neuropathy. #3 - "Blood...
마그네슘 결핍(저마그네슘혈증)의 징후 및 증상 2024.04.03해당카페글 미리보기
Magnesium deficiency can become severe. If your magnesium levels drop a lot you may be at risk for cardiac arrest (when your heart stops beating), respiratory failure, and even death (although this is rare). If you experience progressive...