카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
🔮NEW_티저영상 [I-LAND2]새로운 나를 찾는 모험, 이곳은 아이랜드입니다 | 4/18 (목) 저녁 8시 50분 첫 방 2024.04.09해당카페글 미리보기
2 : N/a [I-LAND2] 새로운 나를 찾는 모험, 이곳은 아이랜드입니다 | 4/18 (목) 저녁 8시 50분 첫 방송 bridge-now.naver.com...저장가능해요. 따로 올림) https://m.cafe.daum.net/songkangofficial/CfAI/1198?svc=cafeapp 일하느라...1장 보정이라 ㅈㅅ...
97회 2025.1.3 금 (Zoom온라인) 한국문화: 3-1 The Land of Morning Calm+영어동화책읽기 2025.01.03해당카페글 미리보기
Contents 1 비고 수업 전 Before Class ■ 한국문화: 고요한 아침의 나라 (The Land of Morning Calm) 김영임(한국) Jerabelle(미국) [Q&A / Writing Feedback/ Vocabulary] 인물 조성우-Johannes Gutenberg 최서윤-A Cat in the Tree 조현제- 황민율...
Bible Matrix ⑦_174_REV 2:17 – (1) I will give some of the hidden manna 2024.05.14해당카페글 미리보기
As I explained in detail in <Bible Matrix ④>, the Israelites escaped from Egypt in BC 1,446, and during the 40-days...report, because those who made a bad report that the land was uninhabitable because of the Nephilim as the great man...
Chris de Burgh - When I Think Of You 2025.03.04해당카페글 미리보기
a land of mass confusion, 그리고 내가 당신 옆에 있을 때 무슨 말을 해야 할지 모르겠습니다. And I don't know what to say when I am near you, 하루종일 여기 서서 네 창문만 쳐다볼 수도 있겠지 I could stand here all day long just staring at...
This is the first and I am loving it 😍 2025.02.02해당카페글 미리보기
we never shared same land time we shared few hours in Stratosphere! These are tiny joys of crazy fan you won't...for a long time we have been very close time zone wise. When you were in paris it was 1 hour, then i flew east to Mumbai and...
창세기 47장 1절 ~31절 2025.01.28해당카페글 미리보기
1.Joseph went and told Pharao, "my father and brothers, with their focks and herds and everything they ow, have come from the land of Canaan and are ow in Goshen. 2. He chose five of his brothers and presented them before Pharaoh. 3...
#3299 나는 누구인가? - 中心地(중심지) 땅 central land 2024.10.06해당카페글 미리보기
1995, 1月(월) 영어(English) Mokwoo-dang is a valley in Gyeryong-si with Gyeryongsan Mountain as its backdrop. When you...provinces, if you are asked where you are from and you answer, "I am from Gyeryong-si," there are often people who...
24/09/01 Pope calls for ceasefire, peace in Holy Land 2024.09.02해당카페글 미리보기
Sept. 1 Angelus prayer, said "I once again turn my thoughts with concern to the conflict in Palestine and Israel, which risks spreading to other Palestinian cities. I appeal for the negotiations to continue and for an immediate ceasefire...
I Want to Do Something for You - Mance Lipscomb - 2024.11.15해당카페글 미리보기
제1회 몬터레이 포크 페스티벌(나중에 몬터레이 팝 페스티벌이 됨)에 출연했습니다. 많은 동시대 사람들과 달리 Lipscomb은 초기...로스앤젤레스 캘리포니아 대학교의 민족음악학 도서관에 있습니다. 그의 삶은 그의 자서전인 I Say Me for a Parable: The...
모든 크리스천이 세상에서 영어를 가장 잘 배울 수 있다.Every Christian can learn English the best i 2024.11.08해당카페글 미리보기
the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.' And it was so." You mentioned the plural...seeds and your idea about the five oceans. Here's how I understand what you're thinking: Seeds as a Symbol of Life...