카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
unmistakable 오해의 여지가 없는, 틀림없는 2024.10.31해당카페글 미리보기
That's out of the question. 전혀 아니다 transit 수송, 통과, 환승, 교통 체계 He struck out towards the shore. 그는 해변을 향해 헤엄쳐 가기 시작했다. strike out ~을 향해 가다 inapplicable 사용[적용]할 수 없는 (↔applicable 해당[적용]되는...
Voile intégral : les syndicats de police dénoncent une loi "inapplicable" 2011.04.12해당카페글 미리보기
Voile intégral : les syndicats de police dénoncent une loi "inapplicable" LEMONDE.FR | 11.04.11 | 15h54 • Mis à jour le 11.04.11 | 19h23 Des femmes portant un voile intégral se sont regroupées à Paris, sur le parvis de Notre-Dame...
À la Une: Darmanin aux LR: «Asseyons-nous et discutons» d’immigration 2023.05.29해당카페글 미리보기
rejetant également la proposition des LR pour que les demandes d'asile soient formulées hors du territoire, mesure « inapplicable », selon lui, « sauf à sortir de la Convention de Genève de 1951 ». Un « asseyons-nous et discutons...
대우주적 존재들 정리 (사진 첨부) 2007.09.18해당카페글 미리보기
phoenix force (불사조의 힘): 그는 빅뱅이 일어남 동시에 탄생된 존재로 원래의 이름은 primal force(=inapplicable)입니다. 다시 말하지면 '피닉스 포스=원초적 힘' 이라는 것이죠. 그러니 아무리 뛰어난 존재라고 해도 원래 우주및 평행우주들에서 탄생...
06년 시행 되는 새로운 룰(복사) 2005.09.29해당카페글 미리보기
from Interference by Burrowing Animal Hole Answer expanded to clarify that the player has proceeded under an inapplicable Rule thus he is permitted to correct his error under Rule 20-6. 25-1c/3 Ball Played in Ground Under Repair Area...
김대중 전 대통령이 리콴유의 반민주주의 가치관에 대해 반박하며 쓴 글.txt (영어 원문으로 되어있음. 글 전문.) 2015.03.23해당카페글 미리보기
them. They have long maintained that cultural differences make the "Western concept" of democracy and human rights inapplicable to East Asia. Does Asia have the philosophical and historical underpinnings suitable for democracy? Is...
10 개항 신조와 39개항 신조 2014.04.05해당카페글 미리보기
and instructive in piety and morals. But all references to the constitution and laws of England are considered as inapplicable to the circumstances of this Church; which also suspends the order for the reading of said Homilies in...
2019.02.01 1.The Death Penalty 2. The Health Benefits of Gardening (at WENINE pm8:00) 2019.01.30해당카페글 미리보기
is more of a deterrent than a lengthy prison sentence, the very concept of ‘deterrence’ is argued by many as inapplicable to criminal psychology, especially if mental illness is involved. Criminals rarely think about the consequences...
인간의 저산소성 폐혈관 수축 : 이야기 또는 신화 2022.07.25해당카페글 미리보기
from humans. Experiments performed on animals are highly dependent on the species studied and therefore generally inapplicable to humans. Therefore new methodologies are needed to understand the human disease biology. In this review we...
2.3 울프 패치노트 [개정] 2019.05.31해당카페글 미리보기
empire Mineral Purification/Energy grid etc buildings no longer show the tooltip for raising district cap on inapplicable planet types * Fixed tooltip that falsely claimed that setting a species to purge (except neuter) was a requirement...