카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
Sentence Fragment 2025.02.14해당카페글 미리보기
with an interest in helping the poor. 18. In 1857 Elizabeth Blackwell established the New York Infirmary for Indigent Women and Children,a hospital staffed by women. She decided to open the hospital on May 12,the birthday of her friend...
The Pearl (8) 2025.02.14해당카페글 미리보기
endless searchers after perfect knowledge of their fellow men, to see what the fat lazy doctor would do about an indigent baby with a scorpion bite. 새로이 행렬에 끼어든 사람들, 그중에서도 금전적인 문제를 짚어내는 데는 전문가들이라고 할...
Timeline of Psychology 2024.09.22해당카페글 미리보기
that later became the foundation for functionalism. 1890: New York State passed the State Care Act, ordering indigent mentally ill patients out of poor-houses and into state hospitals for treatment and developing the first institution in...
구원송 2024.09.03해당카페글 미리보기
nobis debita nostra, libera nos ab igne inferni, conduc in caelum omnes animas, praesertim illas quae maxime indigent misericordia tua. Amen.” (라틴어 원문) 1. 번역상의 문제 “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of...
🍗🍗1105 voca challenge🍗🍗 2023.11.05해당카페글 미리보기
implacable indemnity - indemnify - indemnification infallible - infallibility ingenuous innocuous inopportune insidious integrity - integrate - integration - integral inane inaugurate inchoate incongruous indict indigent indolent inert
[레 미제라블_Volume 1_BOOK 5_Chap 2_5월 3일(금) 2024.05.03해당카페글 미리보기
a fund for aiding old and infirm workmen. As his factory was a centre, a new quarter, in which there were a good many indigent families, rose rapidly around him; he established there a free dispensary. At first, when they watched his...
공무원어휘, 경찰어휘, 편입어휘 기출문제(보카바이블닷컴) - 303 2024.04.25해당카페글 미리보기
children display an unquenchable curiosity about every new thing they encounter. (1) insatiable (2) inherent (3) indigent (4) incredible (5) indiscriminate 일부 아이들은 그들이 우연히 마주치는 모든 새로운 것들에 대해 만족할 줄 모르는...
INDIGENT / SAVORY - 음성. 2011.03.08해당카페글 미리보기
INDIGENT (형용사) 《문어》 궁핍[빈곤]한(poor);《고어》 …이 없는[부족한] 《, 궁핍자, 곤궁자 동의어: destitute, impoverished, needy 반의어: affluent, wealthy Examples: - The United Nations has a history of helping indigent countries...
indigent 2020.02.01해당카페글 미리보기
The anti-poverty program it created, which involves giving assets and training to indigent women, has been copied by other charities and has been shown to work in countries as diverse as Ethiopia, Hondras and India. | 어휘 asset 1.자산...
┗ (Mp3 음성파일) VOCA 3300 기출어휘(p108.indigent ~ p112.insight) 2010.11.04해당카페글 미리보기
p108.indigent-p112.insight.mp3 * 보카3300의 편입기출 2회이상 출제된 어휘파트 표제어입니다. 반드시 기출 표제어는 100% 암기하셔야 합니다. * 801 indigent 802 indignation 803 indirect 804 indiscriminate 805 indispensable 806 indolent 807...