카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
2024년 빅픽처(BigPicture) 자연세계 사진대회 수상작 2024.07.19해당카페글 미리보기
up to 10mph (16km/h). Here, a sand racer moves through a shrub in north-west India’s Thar desert. Despite its inhospitable climate, the desert is a refuge for a variety of endemic and endangered species, including the critically...
How Often Should You Change Synthetic Oil? 2024.05.20해당카페글 미리보기
additives that enable them to retain their protective properties through all those months and miles and inhospitable conditions. Some are suitable for light usage through reasonable periods of time, while others are better for harder...
satnav app 내비게이션 앱 2023.10.21해당카페글 미리보기
끔찍한, 극심한 dismal 음울한, 울적하게 하는 =gloomy, miserable dreary 음울한, 따분한 dingy 우중충한, 거무칙칙한 inhospitable (기후가) 사람이 살기 힘든=unwelcoming, 불친절한 opp. hospitable sombre, er (빛깔이) 칙칙한 (=drab 생기없는, 칙칙...
요4:3~15 예수님께서 사마리아로 가신 이유 2023.08.28해당카페글 미리보기
컴퍼니라는 고서점이 있다. 세상에서 가장 아름다운 서점이라고 부른다. 2층 벽면에 이런 문장이 있다. Be not inhospitable to strangers lest they be angels in disguise.(낯선 이에게 친절히 대하라. 변장한 천사일지 모르니) 본문은 사마리아 여인이...
6월 28일 요한계시록 4:1 / L.B.카우만 『사막에 샘이 넘쳐 흐르리라』 COWMAN, STREAMS IN THE DESERT 2023.06.28해당카페글 미리보기
in Heaven A door opened in heaven — Rev 4:1 You must remember that John was in the Isle of Patmos, a lone, rocky, inhospitable prison, for the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus. And yet to him, under such circumstances, separated...
구마(驅魔)의식, 엑소시즘(exorcism) 2023.05.29해당카페글 미리보기
the exorcism. 전 제프리에게 감시당했어요 엑소시즘 이후로. That's the Bridget Ferrell exorcism. Your home is now inhospitable to the dead. Exorcism complete. 엑소시즘 완료 당신의 집은 이제 죽은 자들에게 좋지 않은 곳입니다. Nonconformists...
ㅡ PCT 관련 자료 1 2023.04.27해당카페글 미리보기
For the average hiker, it takes about 4-6 months. However long you take, plan on finishing before winter’s inhospitable weather strikes. Hiking anywhere from 10-20 miles a day is the norm, but most people walk faster in the dessert and...
EU4: 2017- 8-1 개발일지: 중동 대 변화(Near East Facelift) 2017.08.01해당카페글 미리보기
많은 지리학적인 특징들을 가진다는 것을 의미합니다.(The great dependency on the Nile in an otherwise arid and inhospitable land also means that Egypt has many interesting geographic features.) 두 가지 모두 게임에서 적절하게 모델링되지...
hostile 2006.11.05해당카페글 미리보기
into the habit of saving some money for a rainy day. 2.Increasingly, work must be done under conditions which are inhospitable to concentration,yet 3,Columbus conceived the great enterprise that few but a sailor would have planned, and...
알래스카에서의 북극곰과 불곰의 대립. 2014.03.02해당카페글 미리보기
sea ice returns. When it returns, the polar bears will take to the sea, wandering perpetual darkness in the most inhospitable place on earth. When the sun and the polar bears return, it is my hope that they are met here on the shores...