카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
Inflation makes basic food items unaffordable for many 인플레이션으로 기본식품구매 불가능 2024.05.08해당카페글 미리보기
가격 상승이 얼마나 오래 지속될지는 불확실하다. Some of the country's most popular chains for gimbap, instant noodles, fast food and other affordable dishes have increased the prices of their popular meal items. 김밥, 라면, 패스트푸드 등...
Dalat-International Food Fair : 28 Mar. 2025. 4.00-5.30pm 2025.03.13해당카페글 미리보기
your food coupons (RM30/booklet) at the front office, after school (3-4pm) at the ES playground area or at the link by Friday, March 14. Make sure to buy coupons for any guests you’ve invited as cash will NOT be accepted on the day of...
Jeong hyun# 23 instant food 2009.07.16해당카페글 미리보기
days, many people eat instant food so much. And thay like them so much also. What do you think about that? Do you think is it good? Form now, I will tel you about advantage of instant food. First, inatant food is so fst to make and eat...
3/16 (Fri) Instant Food at Convenience Stores 2018.03.10해당카페글 미리보기
Topic) Instant Food at Convenience Stores Article Part Convenience stores in Korea are a good place to grab a bite. They have everything you could ask for. The most common snack food is instant noodles. Almost everyone in Korea has eaten...
♣ Instant food : 인스턴트 음식 2015.07.16해당카페글 미리보기
♣ Instant food : 인스턴트 음식 ★ Talk about the types of instant food you eat. I don’t have much time to cook, so I eat a lot of instant food. I think I eat instant noodles the most often. They are easy to cook and are very filling...
Letter for Davin ♡ 117 2025.03.12해당카페글 미리보기
needed for basic bodily functions. I was too busy to eat properly. Not long after, you said in PlusChat that instant food (and high-calorie if you’re hungry) is a hamburger. 그거 아세요? 그걸 읽고 정말 깜짝 놀랐어요. ‘다빈님이 정말 제...
IELTS General - Most people prefer instant food bought in convenience ... 2013.08.23해당카페글 미리보기
유사문제입니다 이번 주 핫 토픽 작성하기 전에... 아래 문장을 읽어봐주세요 답안 작성 시 힌트가 되어 줄 문장입니다. ♣ Instant food removes the need to prepare, cook, and do the dishes. ♣ For a busy person, it is more practical to eat in...
[12월17일(수)] EBS 입이트이는 영어 방송자료 정리 ; What type of instant food do you have most often? 2008.12.17해당카페글 미리보기
[12월17일(수)] EBS 입이트이는 영어 방송자료 정리 15-12 _ Day_17(1).mp3 Topic What type of instant food do you have most often? 어떤 종류의 인스턴트 음식을 가장 많이 드시나요? Model Response The instant food I have most often is by no...
쓰레기 음식 ! (Junk food includes fast food,instant food,or somthing) 2014.06.30해당카페글 미리보기
so many kinds of junk food these days such as hamburgers,ramyun,sodas, and canned food. 요즘엔 말여 햄버거,라면,탄산음료...안좋은 음식이 말여 우라지게 많단 말이여. I enjoy instant foods because they are convenient to eat and they taste...
즉석식품(간이식품,fasr food, instant food) 알고나 먹자. 2014.04.07해당카페글 미리보기
즉석식품(간이식품, fast food, instant food)을 현명하게 먹는 법. 세상사는게 예전처럼 느긋하지 않다. 먹는 것도 여유 있게 우아하게 매끼를 할 수는 없을 것이다. 모든 것이 톱니바퀴 물려 돌아가듯 이리저리 휘둘리며 사는 지도 모른다. 점심식사를...