카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
F/A-18, 임무 준비율 80% 달성, F-16은 69% 2024.12.04해당카페글 미리보기
still lagging. Speaking at the Stimson Center on Dec. 3, Chief of Naval Operations Lisa Franchetti said her service couldn’t afford to throw “more money and people at the problem” when Mattis ordered the increase in readiness rates...
Dan Zanger – “10 Keys I Use to Recognize Market Reversals” 2024.02.27해당카페글 미리보기
been lagging the market, take off and the dogs grow wings, or defensive sectors like utilities are strongest, be careful. This often occurs at the tail end of a rally. Which sectors are leading speaks volumes about where we are in the...
[주식]미증시, 훈수 한번 둔다. 2009.07.28해당카페글 미리보기
하락추세를 벗어나려는 움직임을 보이고 있어 향후 확실한 탈피 움직임을 보일 것인가에 주목하고 있습니다. 여기서 lagging indicator(후행지표)라 불리우는 실업률의 경우 ‘고용 없는 성장’ 즉, 실업률과 경제성장률간 전통적인 상관관계의 균열이...
100불 유가하락 왜? 유가 전망과 현 금융전쟁 2009.02.10해당카페글 미리보기
하락에 맞추기 위해 올른다." 라는 말이 더 맞다고 봅니다. 왜냐하면 유가는 역사적으로 보면 항상 인플레에 대한 Lagging indicator....... 예를 들면 70년대 달러 인플레 되었을때 제일 먼저 반응했던 것은 금값..... 유가는 종종 뒷북을 치는 것을 볼수...
경기 침체가오고있다 : 하나의 정신에 의문을 제기; 군중을 치, 지금 패닉! 2015.02.28해당카페글 미리보기
a broad swathe of US economic data has disappointed in February. One of the positive surprises, payrolls, is a lagging indicator. The $64,000 question is not if, but rather when will investors realize what is going on? My colleague Kit...
미 경제지표 종류와 해설 2008.11.18해당카페글 미리보기
can be accompanied by relatively weak credit growth and vice versa, so this measure fails even as a coincident or lagging indicator. 16. 기업재고 지수, Business Inventories l 발표처: The Census Bureau of the Department of Commerce(상무부...
악마는 항상 디테일에 잇다....미국 노동시장이 과연 강세시장인가?? 2022.08.11해당카페글 미리보기
of 528,000 this past month. Of course this argument ignores the fact that jobs are notoriously what’s called a ‘lagging indicator’ and job decline on average begins six months or later after a recession commences. It also ignores the...
미국 럭셔리카 판매순위 (2011년 3~4월) 2011.05.11해당카페글 미리보기
marketing. Because it may take time for experience and external influences to shape perceptions, they can be a lagging indicator and a predictor of future behavior. Lexus Ranks Highest of Any Luxury Brand in 2011 J.D. Power and...
Euro Zone Grapples With Debt Crisis- wsj 12/30:EU 회원국 2010년도 국가부채 위기 2009.12.31해당카페글 미리보기
8% of GDP next year, according to EU projections. The concern in Berlin and Paris is that rising unemployment, a lagging indicator that continues to rise in the early stages of recovery, will do enough to limit domestic demand without...
Dow Closes Above 10,000 for First Time in a Year 2009.10.15해당카페글 미리보기
diving right back down. It will probably stay high for a number of months -- we know that's what's called a lagging indicator, meaning the stock market comes back first. Companies feel a little bit better about things, they start hiring...