카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
Korea lifts martial law, relieving some market uncertainty 계엄령 해제로 시장불확실성해소 2024.12.04해당카페글 미리보기
martial law in what he said was an effort to block efforts by opposition parties to hijack the parliamentary process. He later reversed the decision, honoring a parliamentary vote against the measure. 한국의 원화는 윤석열 대통령이 야당의...
Top 4 Online Law Schools in California (2024) 2024.10.18해당카페글 미리보기
vibe preference, and ideal student-faculty ratio. We'll crunch the numbers with real admissions data to recommend the top seven law schools that match your profile. Get started on your legal journey now! And if you need help on your LSAT...
[최용선의 K-방산] 뉴 스페이스 시대, ‘K-우주방산’의 과제들 2025.03.08해당카페글 미리보기
전략산업은 자동차, 조선, 일반기계, 철강, 정유, 석유화학, 섬유, 정보통신기기, 가전, 반도체다.) 출처 : 국회도서관 Data&Law, 2024-9호(통권 제21호) 나랏돈으로는 한계, 민간 자금 들어오게 물꼬 터야 문제는 우주를 산업 육성의 관점에서 균형감...
LSDAS (Law School Data Assembly Service) 이용 2006.03.20해당카페글 미리보기
LSDAS (Law School Data Assembly Service) 이용 미국의 거의 모든 Law School은 지원자가 LSDAS에 가입할 것을 요구하고 있으며, 지원자로서도 이 서비스를 이용하는 것이 여러 모로 편리합니다. LSDAS는 지원자의 학부성적, LSAT성적, 추천서 등을 한데...
015 24/05/12 TikTok, Lawsuit against US Government Forced Sales Law 2024.05.12해당카페글 미리보기
a law that would force the sale of ByteDance's stake or face a ban. 3. The measure requires ByteDance to sell TikTok within nine months. 4. Lawmakers from both parties have expressed concerns that Chinese authorities could force...
23/07/01 China's new anti-espionage law comes into effect 2023.07.05해당카페글 미리보기
which this, of course, would be one". And the US National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC) warned Friday that the law gives Beijing "expanded legal grounds for accessing and controlling data held by US firms in China...
With rice, facts matter, not sentiment 양곡관리법(grain law mandating governm 2023.04.08해당카페글 미리보기
the health of the people. It is time to stop an emotional approach to rice and judge it by numbers and data only. 양곡관리법(the grain law mandating government purchase of a certain amount of surplus rice) 박형수 국제부 기자 Friday...
material data를 power law로 집어넣고 싶어요 2007.06.01해당카페글 미리보기
ABAQUS/standard 해석을 하는데요 재료 상수를 power law data로 집어넣고 싶습니다 johnson-cook이나 piecewise 등은 많이 써봤는데요 power law coefficient로 넣는 방법을 모르겠네요 고수님들의 답변 부탁드립니다 (__)
원광대-디지털경제학 : UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce 2011.04.27해당카페글 미리보기
carriage of goods or passengers by air, sea, rail or road Article 2. Definitions For the purposes of this Law: (a) "Data message" means information generated, sent, received or stored by electronic, optical or similar means including...
University of Iowa College of Law (14) 2005.08.19해당카페글 미리보기
is one of the major repositories of legal materials in the United States. According to the latest annual law school data report published by the ABA, Iowa's collection currently is first among all public U.S. law school libraries in the...