카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
24.4.4 Gaza starvation could amount to war crime. 2024.04.02해당카페글 미리보기
the world. Israel says the UN fails to distribute whatever is left once Hamas has helped itself. But a long line of lorries fully loaded with aid supplies desperately needed in the Gaza Strip is backing up on the Egyptian side of the...
Overloading, poor maintenance of lorries caused fatal accidents 2013.09.27해당카페글 미리보기
KUANTAN: Overloading and poor maintenance are the main causes for fatal accidents involving lorries, said Bukit Aman traffic police chief Datuk Abdul Aziz Yusof. From the 1,241 fatal accidents recorded last year, he said 176 cases or 18...
81p. NP-Movement에서 subcategorize 2024.02.06해당카페글 미리보기
제가 subcategorise의 개념을 제대로 이해하고 있는 것이 맞나요? 또한, 그렇다면 여기서 be가 VP를 subcategorise한다는 것은 수동태를 만드는 조동사인 be에 의해 produced by these lorries라는 VP의 형태가 결정된다는 의미인 것인가요? 감사합니다...
Heavy lorries ruining roads 과적 차량이 도로를 훼손한다.. 2012.10.24해당카페글 미리보기
PETALING JAYA: Overloaded lorries are quickening the wear on roads in the country, causing damage costing millions of ringgit to repair every year. The Works Ministry says that roads meant to last up to a decade before they were mended...
폴란드·슬로바키아·헝가리 트럭 운전사들, 우크라이나 트럭 입국 제한 요구하며 국경 봉쇄 슬로바키아 / 폴란드 / 헝가리 EMERICs 2023.12.23해당카페글 미리보기
Polish FM urges EU steps to help resolve border transport dispute with Ukraine, 2023.12.04. Reuters, First empty lorries pass through new Ukraine crossing at Polish border, 2023.12.04. Jurist, Slovakia truckers announce plans to block...
샌프란시스코 Shared Van Service - Go Lorries 2017.11.09해당카페글 미리보기
https://www.gosfovan.com/ SFO 공항에서 시내 이동시 호텔 앞까지 Door to Door service입니다. 짐이 크고 2개였는데 너무 편했습니다.
Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell 2023.04.28해당카페글 미리보기
and rain. The narrow earth roads had been churned into a sea of mud, in places two feet deep, through which the lorries struggled with racing wheels and the peasants led their clumsy carts which were pulled by strings of mules, sometimes...
and it’s my first day at my new job! 2023.03.31해당카페글 미리보기
this morning. Granted, mom's still in the car with me because the road I have to take is where those giant lorries drive. Do you call them lorries or just trucks? She thought I'd be scared to drive here all by myself and ensured that it...
[동물관련]Drug dog (V 19 ) 2006.01.11해당카페글 미리보기
in this respect might be necessary. The environment training mentioned above is conducted, inter alia, in ships, lorries, warehouses and engine-rooms, to accustom the dog to noise, traffic, unknown and disturbing odours, etc. A great...
[Minichamps] Bentley 4½ Litre Blower, 1930 LeMans 2015.01.31해당카페글 미리보기
1920년대 당시, Bentley의 라이벌이었던 에토르 부가티 (Ettore Bugatti) 는 이 Blower를 칭하길... "The world's fastest lorries" (세상에서 가장 빠른 트럭) 이라 부르곤 했다고 하네요. 가장 마음에 드는 측면의 모습 입니다. 실제로도 꽤 큰 덩치의...