카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
malevolent 악의 있는, 악의적인 malicious, wicked, spiteful 2024.08.14해당카페글 미리보기
malevolent 악의 있는, 악의적인 malicious, wicked, spiteful, ↔ benevolent spiteful 앙심을 품은, 악의적인 benevolent 자애로운, 자비로운, 친절한 disapproval 반감, 못마땅함 (↔approval 인정, 찬성, 승인) disapprove 탐탁찮아[못마땅해]하다 Her...
침묵의 비명 ( MALEVOLENT , 2018 ) 2024.01.02해당카페글 미리보기
장르 공포 제작국 미국 시간 88분 감독 올라프 드 플뤼르 조핸네슨 출연 플로렌스 퓨, 셀리아 아임리, 벤 로이드 휴즈
Chapter 17 2025.02.14해당카페글 미리보기
guise of scorpion armed its point. The Guide said: "Now perforce must turn aside Our way a little, even to that beast Malevolent, that yonder coucheth him." We therefore on the right side descended, And made ten steps upon the outer...
Eichmann in Jerusalem(1963) - Hannah Arendt 2024.11.27해당카페글 미리보기
of its victims. The Nazis had succeeded in turning the legal order on its head, making the wrong and the malevolent the foundation of a new “righteousness.” In the Third Reich evil lost its distinctive characteristic by which most...
영국의 가장 오래된 통신위성이 예상을 벗어난 위치에서 발견 2024.11.15해당카페글 미리보기
for a conspiracy theory or two, not least because it's hard to hear the name "Skynet" without thinking of the malevolent, self-aware artificial intelligence (AI) system in The Terminator movie franchise. But there's no connection other...
109-3. 初秋偶感 초가을에 우연한 감회 2024.11.19해당카페글 미리보기
춥지는 않다는 뉘앙스. 4) 야차(夜叉): 산스크리트의 약사(Yaksa)를 음역(音譯). 인도 신화로 거지의 흉악한 악귀(惡鬼/ malevolent spirit)로 흉포하고 추악한 사람을 비유. 5) 납극우복숭례하(蠟屐又福崇礼下): 납극은 진서(晉書 阮孚傳)에 나오는 완부...
"홍하사의 잡다한이야기"---(1266) "인생 이야기"---(161) "망명신청서" & "당구" 2024.09.30해당카페글 미리보기
over 20 years, since the presidency of Kim Dae-jung. He has publicly exposed the national crimes committed by this malevolent organization in their attempt to destroy South Korea, bringing them to light both domestically and...
🧡🧡 0108 voca challenge 🧡🧡 2024.01.07해당카페글 미리보기
malnutrition maltreat maltreatment malady malignment malignity malignancy malign malevolent malevolence malefactor maleficent malediction malfeasance maladroit malcontent malefactor jaunt jingoism jocular jubilation junction junta...
24/09/23 Does religion open us to the Spirit? 2024.09.23해당카페글 미리보기
an exaggerated — hence distorted — emphasis on certain places, persons and actions as having a benevolent or malevolent value. Superstitions abound where ignorance is rife: feeding priests, avoiding the evil eye, fetishes about purity...
~Ashtar Commander~ (구글번역, 영어자막) 2024.09.10해당카페글 미리보기
with protons, neutrons, and electrons. Where are the photons? The original DNA structure was tampered with by malevolent ETS. One of the things changed was where no photons, higher form of light, are able to be contained within the body...