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우표지 3월호 게재 필라코리아 중간보고서 영문 2025.03.04해당카페글 미리보기
it has been observed on several occasions that when the exhibition is held in Asia, European participation markedly decreases, perhaps because they perceive little to gain in such circumstances. Naturally, the reverse situation might...
기면증 탈력발작 '시상하부 오렉신 뉴런 장애' 자가면역질환 ..2014 nature 2025.03.09해당카페글 미리보기
which trigger cataplexy in Hcrt–/– mice, also activates neurons in the mPFC, and inhibition of mPFC neurons markedly reduces cataplectic attacks associated with positive emotional stimuli.83 In addition, neurons in the mPFC innervate...
<상속세 개편, 어떤 게 맞나요?>/안타까운.../ #비서실피셜 #이재명 대표님(2025.02.15/16) 2025.02.16해당카페글 미리보기
itid=hp-top-table-main_p001_f012 “이재명 대표의 외교 스탠스가 과거에 비해 뚜렷하게 변화했다”(Lee is taking a markedly more nuanced foreign policy stance than in the past.) “이재명 대표는 워싱턴포스트와의 인터뷰에서 ‘가장 중요한 것은...
이재명 대표 Washington Post 인터뷰! 좋은 질문 좋은 답변 2025.02.16해당카페글 미리보기
워싱턴포스트는 이재명 대표의 외교가 과거에 비해 뚜렷하게 변화했다고 평가했습니다. (“Lee is taking a markedly more nuanced foreign policy stance than in the past”) ✅ 이재명 대표가 한국은 지정학적으로 미-중 관계에 의해 가장 많은 영향을...
Re: 장벽 tight junction의 역할, 장누수 2018 nature review 논문... 2025.02.07해당카페글 미리보기
is high throughout the crypt–villus axis of the intestinal epithelium60,63,66, but claudin-2 expression is markedly diminished and limited to crypt epithelium after weaning. Concurrently, claudin-15 expression increases throughout the...
Re: 요산의 항산화 기능, 고요산 혈증과 관련된 질환들..... 2024 nature 2025.02.01해당카페글 미리보기
interleukin-1 (IL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), and corticosteroid treatment can markedly enhance XOR transcription. Additionally, the conversion of XDH to XO is expedited under hypoxic conditions.101...
흉추 2,3,4 극돌기 통증... palpitation 심계항진, 가슴두근거림... 2025.01.12해당카페글 미리보기
with periods of a normal heartbeat Sudden Rest - Tachycardia ‘Beating wings’ in the chest Regular or irregular, markedly accelerated Sudden Physical effort, cooling down Hemodynamic impairment Anxiety-related Anxiety, agitation Regular...
어린아이 알러지 행진질환(비염, 천식, 아토피 등) 탐구!! 2025.01.08해당카페글 미리보기
DQ genes.54 Molecular genetic analysis of the GG, GA, and AA genotypes of the IL-13 R130Q gene polymorphism revealed markedly elevated incidence rates of the GA and AA genotypes in comparison with healthy control individuals.55 Besides...
신경염증 --> 만성화 --> 통증 감작, 만성통증 기전탐구!! 2024.12.13해당카페글 미리보기
up-regulation peaks within 10 days. In the late phase of mechanical allodynia (>3 weeks), microglial CX3CR1 expression markedly declines (Fig. 3A,B). Microglia may play a role in maintaining persistent hyperalgesia and allodynia after...
프랑스, 이탈리아보다 전력이 줄어든 영국 해군 2024.11.25해당카페글 미리보기
is creaking at its bilges as decades of government procurement delays, misadventures into carrier strike, and a markedly more complex global security environment, are coming home to rust. The Royal Navy’s surface fleet is now smaller...