카페검색 본문
카페글 본문
He wants to meddle in my business. 2009.04.19해당카페글 미리보기
He wants to meddle in my business. - 그는 간섭하려든단 말야. A: I think I've got to quit. B: Why? A: Because I can't stand Jared anymore. B: What's wrong with him? A: Whatever I do, he wants to meddle in my business. He is a back-seat...
우리에겐 그녀 일에 干與할 권리가 없다. meddle in 2021.04.09해당카페글 미리보기
우리에겐 그녀 일에 干與할 권리가 없다. We have no right to meddle in her affairs. ~에 간섭[참견]하다 = intervene[interfere] in = butt in = poke one's nose in[into] = break[chop, cut] in 그것은 제삼자가 끼어들 문제가 아니다. It is not a...
Letters from Frances Longfellow 1839년 7월 20일 2025.02.07해당카페글 미리보기
thank God are plentifully bestowed after all just as I consider it a duty to regard the blessings in human condition & meddle not with the appalling shadows which shatter our faith in God’s mercy. But when these physical enjoyments are...
참父母經 / Chambumo Gyeong - 545. 팔정식 선포와 그 배경 2024.12.04해당카페글 미리보기
to gain the right to inherit the position of parents. Parents and children are becoming one, and Satan's world cannot meddle in that. (193-100, 1989/08/31) 4 When I say that I have bestowed upon you a special authority from heaven, it...
변화하는 세계 2024. 08. 10...류경완의 국제평화뉴스 655회 미 의회 국방전략위 "2차대전 이후 가장 심각하고 어려운 위협 2024.08.11해당카페글 미리보기
그런 것인 줄로.. 등신 같은 것들.. https://www.rt.com/news/602395-microsoft-iran-election-meddling/ Iran seeks to meddle in US elections – Microsoft Iranian-linked hackers and fake news may have sought to influence the 2024 US...
6월 14일 어휘정리 (76. meddle ) 2007.04.12해당카페글 미리보기
76. meddle /medl/ : 참견하다. vi. interfere in sth ▶ You're always meddling. (너는 유난히 참견이 심해) ▶ Don't meddle in my affairs. (내 일에 참견 마!) n. meddler 참견자 → a person who meddles adj. meddle-some → in the habit of...
Prosecutors demand 30 years in prison for Park Geun-hye 2018.02.28해당카페글 미리보기
allegedly controlled by Choi. Park was also indicted for allowing Choi, who held no official position in the government, to meddle in state affairs. The Seoul Central District Court sentenced Choi to 20 years in prison earlier this month...
Park invites rival parties to select new PM in conciliatory move 2016.11.09해당카페글 미리보기
persisted that Choi exerted an undue influence on Ms Park, who had few relatives or friends she could trust, to meddle in government affairs, installing her associates in the government and helping them win large government contracts...
* II : Reformation. * Line : 5. 2024.04.09해당카페글 미리보기
nature following by pursuit the outward desires of their nature, and this was the revival of Hebrew thought in the Meddle Ages. * 위 영문의 Syntax diagram 을 다음에 게시한다. * 독자 중에서, 필자보다도 더 좋은 英譯이나 Syntax diagram 을...
~~LISTEN CAREFULLY!! (51)(영어자막, 구글번역) 2023.12.04해당카페글 미리보기
afraid of high mighty, while some others preferred not to believe that it actually happened: everybody had reasons not to meddle in “other people’s business”. Thus, due to taciturn consent of the people around pedophilia gradually...